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Y'all check out my girls books please! I promise you won't regret reading them!😌.

DESTINED HEARTS by amaamawritess_

FADRA by farouksumayya

Add them to your libraries and thank me later😌😉.

Now let's dive in...


"Assalamu Alaikum Asma darling, how are you doing?" Ariana said into the phone.

"Wa Alaikissalam Ariana! i'm fine, how are you?" Asma said in a bored tone.

"Subhanallah, Asma what's the matter? why do you sound down?or don't you want to talk to me?" Ariana pouted.

"Ya Allah Ariana why would you say that? it's just that i aint being myself these days and i'm even angry with you."

Ariana laughed.

"This is not a joking matter Ariana! I'm serious."

"Okay, i'm sorry, what's the matter? What did i do?"

"My sister died almost a month ago and you didn't even called me! how sad! i thought you're my best friend."

"Innanilahi, i'm so sorry Asma, wallahi i didn't know. May her soul rest in Jannah, i'm so sorry. Please." Ariana worriedly said.

"It was all over the media and you're telling me you didn't knew Ariana? Great! just great!" Asma rolled her eyes.

"Wait.. was the princess of kano your sister?"


"Ya Allah i'm so sorry Asma darling, please forgive me, wallahi i didn't know, had it been i knew she was your sister, you know i would've called since, i'm so sorry please. May her soul rest in Jannah and may Allah bless the babies she left. I'm deeply sorry."

"It's okay, Amin, Thank you, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah, and how are you all coping with the loss, may her soul rest in Jannah."

"Amin ya rabb, we're all doing good Alhamdulilah except for Ya Aryan he hasn't been himself since the day Ya Aira died." Asma said and for some reasons Ariana's heart skipped by the mention of the name 'Aryan'.

"Who is he?"

"Her husband."

"Oh my Allah, he must be going through a rough phase, but everything shall be alright with time In Sha Allah."

"In Sha Allah." They chitchat a little before hanging up.

Ariana dropped her phone and was about to lay on the bed when she heard voices in the parlor. She stood up and left to the parlor.

She let out a squeal when she saw who it was. It was Ya Khalil. She ran and crushed him into a hug. He twirled her around before dropping her on her feet. Grandpa and Yakaka laughed at them.

"Ya Khalil! I missed you soo much."

"Let him settle down atleast Ariana! He just arrived." Grandpa said and she pouted.

"Ya Khalil we talked yesterday on the phone and you didn't mentioned you coming today." Ariana said.

"Well, it was meant to be a surprise." He winked and she laughed.

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