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"Wallahi i never knew Malik could be this heartless to join forces with his wife and maltreat these children, look at all the bruises on Ariana's body." Yakaka fumed.

"By the way, it's our fault Baban Baffa we knew how heartless they are and we still left them with him after Fatima's death and we never once visited." Yakaka looked at her husband before wiping a lone tear.

Alhaji Sadiq paced the room effortlessly before setting his gaze back to his grandchildren, he kneeled in front of them and took hold of their hands.

"Grandpa what are you doing? Please stand up." Ariana said.

"No my dear! we've wronged you all! we never came back as we promised you. Please forgive us for our mistakes."

"Please don't Grandpa, we've never held any grudges so it's alright." She smiled at him and he hugged them.

"May God bless you all."

"Ameen." They all answered smiling.

"From now on, no more sufferings for you in life my girls, you will live the best life you all deserved. This is a promise from me to you In Sha Allah." Grandpa said.

"Khalil no words could be enough to thank you for all your kindness towards them. Allah will surely bless you in tenfolds of what you did to them. Thank you. May Allah bless you in ways you never expected." Yakaka prayed.

"Ameen Yakaka." He smiled.

"I will be leaving. My flight is in an hour." He added.

"Haba Khalil, you're not going anywhere, please stay here for atleast two days."

Khalil smiled. "I'm sorry Grandpa. I really have to resume to work, my boss needs me there."

"Mashaa Allah. Allah ya bada saa, hadn't been you weren't in a rush, you could have stayed and i will feed you all the Maiduguri delicacies." Yakaka said and they all laughed.

"Next time In Sha Allah." He smiled.

The twins pouted their lips and soon tears began to fall from their eyes.

"Ya Khalil are you leaving already?" Ariana sniffed looking at him with her bloody eyes.

"You all shouldn't cry okay?i will be coming every two weeks to visit you In Sha Allah." He smiled embracing them.


"I promise." He smiled and stood up.

"Wait Khalil." Yakaka said and left to her room. She came back shortly holding paper bags in her hands.

"Please accept this as a small token from me Khalil, i will be very happy if you do so."

He smiled and collected it."Thank you Yakaka. I appreciate."

They hugged one more time with his siblings before he exited the parlor together with Alhaji Sadiq.

"I will never ever forget your kindness towards Fatima's kids Khalil, may Allah bless you." Grandpa prayed to which Khalil smiled and answered with an 'ameen'.

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