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We're already at chapter 40🥳💫.



Two days later, Ariana was re-arranging her clothes in her closet when an incoming call came through her phone. Her heart beat skipped when she saw whom the caller was. It was Aryan.

She braced her self and let out a whoosh before sliding the icon.
"Assalamu Alaikum." She greeted.

"Wa Alaikissalam Ariana,how are you?" Aryan asked at the other end.

Ariana smiled.She loved the way he calls her name. It always came out smoothly out of his tongue.

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah...You??" She asked.

"Alhamdulilah. So, how did your day went out??" He asked bringing up a conversation.

"Pretty well Alhamdulilah have been busy preparing for Law school." She sighed.

"Oh that's good Mashaa Allah. It must be hectic, i heard Asma complaining about that too." Aryan chuckled.

"Yes. It's stressing but Alhamdulilah, we're gonna scale through In Sha Allah."

"In ShaAllah. If you need any help regarding any school related issue don't hesitate to place a call please." He said.

"In Shaa Allah. Thank you." She smiled.

"So, which one of the schools are you attending?" He asked.

"Umm...here. They've opened one here in Maiduguri, last year. Lucky me! I would've had to choose between Kano, Abuja or Lagos." Ariana blabbered . Aryan loved how she was gradually becoming free with him.

"Wow, that's great Mashaa Allah. But we would've love to have you here in Kano."

Ariana kept mum for some seconds before she replied. "Um...i don't have anyone there." She winced as she remembered her so called father.

"But now, you have me and Asma." He said making her to still. What does he mean? She thought.

"And we will always be there for you In Sha Allah." He said and Ariana had no idea when a blush crept on her cheeks.

They chitchatted for a while before they hang up with Aryan promising to call later.

"You've changed Ya Ariana!" Safaa said startling Ariana.

"Why does you and Marwa finds it difficult to say the salam??" Ariana reprimanded.

"I'm sorry Ya Ariana, just that you're always on phone calls these days." Safaa wiggled her brows making Ariana to gasp and smack her.

"Leave here you dumbo!" Ariana shrieked racing Safaa to the door with Safaa laughing. She let out a sigh when Safaa left the room and plumped down on the bed.

Was she making it too obvious?? She thought.


"Good afternoon Ya Aryan!" Aida smiled taking a seat next to him on the couch.

"Oh hey Aida, afternoon. How are you?"

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah, Ya Aryan. I missed you, you travelled without telling me, i was hearing it from Habi. I'm hurt."

Aryan sighed brushing his face with his palm. "I'm sorry about that, it came unannounced."

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