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"Alhamdulilah." Sultana smiled.

"But this should remain as secretive as ever! No one should find out about Aira's pregnancy i can't take any risks." She added.

"Your wish is my command your highness." Jakadiya smiled.

"From now on all her needs will be taken care of by you Hadiza, i don't want any palace maid close to her! that will be risky."

"Your wish is my command my queen." Hadiza said.

"You may leave." Hadiza slightly bowed her head and exited the room.

"This period is one of the most difficult times here." Sultana whispered sitting on her bed.

Jakadiya smiled and kneeled in front of Sultana before taking her soft delicate hands into hers.

"I know your highness, you're no ordinary queen your highness but a strong and determined one..in all the passing years i watched you fight all your battles alone, you've never backed down from any fight and for that we're proud of you my queen. The responsibilities of a queen was saddled to you at a very young age of seventeen and i've seen you handled that well over the years, so i trust you my queen, nothing will ever happen to Aira In Sha Allah. Allah will protect her and her baby and i pray Aira take after you."

"In Sha Allah. I know i've gone through so many trials in life but this is kinda difficult! As much as i hate to admit this... i'm scared.

"You know well that the other queens loathe me. They might not show it but deep down their hearts,the hatred is etched there. The fact that i'm the one with two male heirs and Aryan is the heir of the throne made them to despise me and my kids more. They can go to any length to kill Aira's baby if they are to learn she's pregnant. This is why i want it all to be a secret. Nobody is to be trusted in this palace."

Jakadiya sighed.
"I understand your view my queen and i just want to assure you one thing; Allah is above every evil. I trust Allah and i know you do,nothing will ever happen In Sha Allah."

"That was what i needed to hear seriously Jakadiya." Sultana smiled at her.

"I'm very glad that i brought a smile to my queen's face."

"I will go see my Aira now." Sultana smiled and stood up.

"Sure, after you my queen."

Upon entering Aira's chamber Sultana and Jakadiya met with Queen Hauwa about to exit the chamber. She stopped and smiled widely when she saw them.

"Greetings my Sultana, i just came to check on my daughter in law.."

Sultana gave her a smile that didn't reached her eyes.
"That's good you may leave."

"Sure my Queen." Queen Hauwa faked a sweet smile and exited the chamber,once outside the chamber, she smirked and left to her side.

"What brought her here? where's Hadiza? i thought i ordered her not to let anyone into this chamber except for us?" Sultana said a little bit angry.

"I'm so sorry my Queen, i will see to that In Sha Allah! let's go and check on Aira."

"My baby how are you feeling?" Sultana smiled and sat beside Aira on the bed.

Aira smiled widely before placing her head on her mother in law's laps.
"I'm absolutely fine Mom."

"I'm glad! Aryan has left to the office already? i will have a talk with him when he comes back. He has to be fully by your side during your pregnancy."

"Yes Mom, that was what he also said last night." Aira smiled.

"That's good. What did Queen Hauwa came to do here?" Sultana asked out of curiosity.

"Oh yes Mom, she came to check up on me. She's really nice, she assured to me that she will always be there for me whenever i need her and she also gave me this ruby."

Sultana frowned and collected the ruby before glancing at Jakadiya who was also confused. She came forward and collected it.

"What happened Mom? why did your mood suddenly changed?" Aira asked rising up from Sultana's laps.

Sultana held Aira's shoulders. "Listen to me very carefully my baby. Don't you ever let any of the Queens get closer to you again and never accept anything from them okay? you're now a princess and you will now know what's behind the close doors of royalty.

"Those people loathes us, they can be all smiles and kind around you but deep down the hatred is etched in their hearts. Don't ever let them know you're pregnant. They might do everything in their power to kill your innocent baby before it even comes to the world. They tried so hard to see none of my children survived but i had Allah with me and he protected me and my kids from them, never accept anything from them and be conscious, hold on to your azhkaar and Allah will protect you from any sort of evil In Sha Allah."

"Oh my Allah Mom! how can i be so careless? In Sha Allah, i will never make that mistake again Mom, i will be vigilant and hold on to my azhkaar In ShaAllah."

"From now on, Hadiza will be the one attending to your needs and my most trusted maid,the other ones can't be trusted."

"Okay Mom." Aira smiled.

"Would you like to take a stroll?" Sultana asked smiling.

"Yes Mom, that will be great! let me wear something more decent." Aira squealed and got down of the bed to change from her knee length gown to something more appropriate.

"Destroy that thing and tell Hadiza to wait for me in my chamber."

"Sure my Sultana." Jakadiya said and exited the room. Aira came out all dressed up and they left for their evening strolling.


"All the formalities have been done and you're starting school tomorrow my baby In Sha Allah." Grandpa smiled.

"Really Grandpa! Thank you so much! i can't wait." Ariana squealed making Grandpa to smile. Yakaka came out of the room with the twins trailing behind her.

"What did i missed?"

"Nothing Yakaka! Grandpa was just telling me that me and the twins have gotten admission into a new school." She giggled.

"Ah, that's good Mashaa Allah." Yakaka smiled.

"And i have more surprise for you my babies." Grandpa smiled and they squealed.

He brought out a paper bag beside him and brought out an iPhone Xs Max and two tablets. He handed the phone to Ariana whereas the two tablets to the twins.

"Ya Allah! All this for me Grandpa?" Ariana gushed looking at the phone unbelievably.

"Yes my dear."

"Oh my God, Thank you so much Grandpa." The three of them squealed and hugged him.

"It's alright my babies! i have inserted a sim card for you Ariana and for the twins i have downloaded games and educational stuff for you okay?" He smiled.

"Thank you Grandpa." They all squealed.

"Mashaa Allah." Yakaka smiled.

"Let me call Ya Khalil and Asma with my new number." Ariana smiled and left the parlor.

"Sure, do that." Grandpa and Yakaka both laughed.

Yakaka turned to her husband with a serious face when the twins also left the parlor before starting.
"Have you seen that man? He didn't even cared to come after his kids." She said.

Grandpa let out a bitter chuckle. "How i wish i could turn the hands of time Juwaireeyah! i wouldn't have married my daughter Fatima to that monster of a man."

Hot soup for Aira oo! i'm so happy for Riana🥹❤️

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