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"Behind every delay, there's khair."

Kano, Nigeria.

"Ya Allah! i'm still exhausted from all the wedding stress Mom." Ariana sighed lying her head on her mother in law's laps.

"Indeed, last week was hectic but Alhamdulilah. May Allah bless their homes."

"Ameen Mom."

"How many weeks are you along now?" Sultana threw the question making Ariana to turn crimson red.


"Mashaa Allah, may you deliver safely. I believe you know all the precautions to be taking, and i think it's high time Aahil get weaned off."

"Yes Mom, we've thought about it too. I was waiting for the wedding to be over then i could bring him to you to be weaned off." She said raising her head from Sultana's laps.

"That's really a good thought, i guess you're leaving him here today then?." Sultana said.

"Yes Mom, i've brought his bag with me." She softly said missing her baby already. Don't blame her, this will be the first time in eight months she will be separating from him.

"Missing him already huh?." Sultana said making Ariana to nod bursting into tears.

"Yassalam. Ariana?" Sultana said drawing her to her embrace.

"Don't tell me you're crying because you're leaving Aahil here with me?."

"No Mom." She nodded wiping her tears with the hem of her dress.

"Then what is it? don't you trust me or my capability ne? Remember Aahil is my grandson also."

"No Mom, please don't say that. Wallahi i know Aahil will be more taking care of here than with me." She said with a pout playing with the hem of her dress.

"Then why are you crying?"

"The thing is, we've never been separated from each other since he was born..so i'm going to miss him." She said with a slight pout on her lips making Sultana to burst into laughter.

"Oh, children of nowadays, you all are totally different from us during our time. Aryan was five when we came back to Nigeria and immediately we landed, his grandmother took him away from me for good two years and i didn't even felt anything because i knew he was in safe hands. The same happened with Layla when she was a baby."

Sultana smiled and wiped Ariana's tears before cupping her face with her hands. "I assure you that your baby will be well taking care of okay? In Sha Allah."

"I know Mom, i know you will. I love you." She smiled hugging her mother in law.

"I love you more my baby." Sultana smiled hugging her back.

"The house feels so quiet without him." She pouted while Aryan sighed.

"I know haven, this is the first time Aahil is away from us. But he's with Mom, i know he will get the best of care over there. Stop worrying yourself unnecessary."

"Hey, who told you i'm doubting my Mom's ability to take care of him huh? i'm just missing him." She pouted making him to laugh at her childishness.

"Don't blame me! every mother in my shoes would act the same way."

"I know haven. And i assure you Aahil is in safe hands."

"I know, In Sha Allah. I hope he doesn't disturb her with his late night cries."

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