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"OMG! Grandpa are you serious?" Ariana squealed looking at the paper in her hands.

Grandpa chuckled. "You have the paper with you baby."

"I can't believe i'm going to study abroad and that to in the UK! Thank you so much Grandpa. I love you." She squealed and hugged him. Grandpa and Yakaka laughed.

"And we love you more." Yakaka smiled looking at them with pure adoration in her eyes.

"OMG! Can't wait already!" She squealed.

"So you're eager to leave us right Ariana?" Yagumsu said laughing.

"No it's not like that Yagumsu. I will surely miss all of you." She smiled face-palming her face feeling shy.

"And we will miss you too Ya Ariana." Safaa and Marwa said on the verge of tears.

"Oh my babies, please don't cry okay? I would be coming for holidays In Sha Allah and would regularly be face-timing." She smiled hugging them both.

"What's the need of you to be sad, when we're all here for you." Yakaka smiled pulling them to her side.

Ariana left to her room afterwards to call Ya Khalil, Fathiya and Asmah to share the news with.

"Do you really think by sending Ariana out of the country, Malik would back down?" Yagumsu asked her husband.

"Yes,we discussed the issue with Khalil and my Lawyer. It will definitely help." Grandpa said.

"I hope it does." Yakaka sighed.

Fathiya squealed hugging Ariana. "I'm so happy for you Ariana baby."

"I'm so happy too!still can't believe it you know." Ariana smiled laying on the bed.

"How i wish my Dad would also take me there to study." Fathiya said, her voice low.

"You should try talking to him or ask Grandpa to." Ariana said. Fathiya's father is Grandpa's first child.

"Oh, there's no point Ariana. You know he has that bias idea of not sending the female child abroad."

"Oh i'm sorry, he would come around In Sha Allah." Ariana patted her back.

"It's okay girl. Call your friend and tell her." Fathiya said in her bubbly voice.

"Sure." Ariana smiled and dialed Asma's number.


"How can you just sit and watch him have his way with your own kids?" Hajiya Nusaiba seethe.

"What do you want me to then? You of all people know he's more powerful than me!" He thundered.

"Mind the way you speak to me Malik! When will you ever do something meaningful in your life?" She yelled.

"Oh really, since you're the only one capable of doing the needful, why don't you fight him? Do you know how powerful Alhaji Sadiq Daggash is?" He hissed and furiously left the dining.

Khalil let out a sad chuckle before exiting the dinner.

Hajiya Nusaiba furiously grabbed a glass cup before shattering it into pieces. Basma and Jiddah exchanged glances before silently exiting the dinner leaving their fuming mother alone.

Crossed Paths✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora