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Ariana smiled as she rolled her veil. Aryan called some few minutes to inform her he was inside her Grandpa's compound. She had to ran to her window to check whether he was saying the truth. And lo and behold! he was there in his car!

Ariana couldn't contain her happiness, she has been smiling ever since he informed her about his arrival. For the past three months, their relationship has been nothing but blossoming into something beautiful. They both find peace and tranquility in each other.

She won't say they're in a relationship, but what they share is just priceless. A tightened bond.
Ariana sprayed her perfumes and took her phone before exiting the room with a smile.

"Yakaka, Aryan is here." Ariana said with a sheepish smile.

Yakaka chuckled and patted Ariana on her back. "Okay my dear. Ayi hira lafiya."

Ariana salaamed as she entered Grandpa's parlor. Her scent immediately hit Aryan's nostrils making him to smile. Ya Allah! Her scent is just something else.

"Ina wuni; good afternoon." She greeted.

"Afternoon to you too mi cielito, how are you?" He asked with a smile.

"Alhamdulilah. How was your trip? You didn't told me you were coming to Maiduguri." She said with a smile.

Aryan loved everything about Ariana, he loves the way she was gradually letting out her carefree nature with him, how she was now free and shares everything with him.
Alhamdulilah. He is unavoidably in love with Ariana!. Ya Allah!.

"Well, it was meant to be a surprise."He chuckled.

"And i love it! I love surprises Thank you so much." She beamed.

"Always at your service Mi'lady." He dramatically said bowing making her to laugh.

"How is. everyone at home?"

"They're all fine Alhamdulilah. How's everyone?"

"Alhamdulilah. What about Adyan and Ayra?" Ariana asked with a smile.

"They're well. Though, they are being whiny these days. You have to see how i managed to escape them. They were saying something about coming along with me." He sighed while Ariana chuckled.

"I don't blame them. They want to be with their father." Ariana smiled.

"Hm, and i really think they also need a mother." He said making her to still, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. She sheepishly smiled and duck her head down.

Aryan chuckled when he heard her silence. She must definitely be turned on by his statement and he liked that! He wants her to realise her feelings for him. He will surely be the luckiest man on earth, the day Ariana becomes his. May Allah make her his if there's khair. He thought with a smile.

"How's law school?" He asked changing the topic.

"Pretty well, though very stressful!" She said with a pout of her lips making Aryan to still, his heart brewing with her immense love.

"You will scale through In Sha Allah. It has been three months already, you have less than seven months to be done with it. And i trust you to pass the bar exams. In ShaAllah" He smiled.

"In Sha Allah." She smiled. "I can't wait to be done then! But then, comes service again." She pouted again.

Aryan chuckled. "I never knew my girl is lazy."

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