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"Indeed there is light at the end of every tunnel "

Malik Residence.

Tears stream down her cheeks as she limped her way to their room hurt by her father not caring one bit about her made her to break down in more tears.

Her twin siblings stirred in their sleep making her to quickly wipe her tears and took a novel pretending to be reading.

In a minute they woke up and set their gazes on her. "Ya Ariana?what are you reading?" Safaa asked.

"Oh you both are awake! how was the sleep my dearies?" She asked adjusting her hijab to cover the bruises in her body.

"Yes and why are you wearing your hijab? are you going out?" Marwa asked.

"Oh it's nothing! i'm feeling a little bit cold." She said faking a smile at them to which they returned the smile with a nod.

Ariana was lost in her thoughts when Safaa and Marwa threw her a question that took her off guard.

"Ya Ariana! when is Grandpa taking us away?"

The next morning, Ariana woke up and did her usual routine before heading to school. Ya Khalil was back from Abuja and he was the one who took them to school today the reason why Jiddah didn't misbehaved.

Jiddah did anything she could in her power to be promoted. So immediately Alhaji Malik went and deposited some money, she was promoted to the next class.

They were now currently in their Literature class where the master was explaining the themes of Emily Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights'.

Ariana was so lost in her own world that she didn't heard the teacher directing a question at her till he came to her desk and banged his hands on the table.

"What the hell are you thinking of Ariana Malik?" He yelled grabbing the attention of all the students.

"Umm...i'm so sorry Sir." She stuttered ducking her head.

"What type of a novel is 'Wuthering Heights'?"

"It's a ghotic novel."

"Good, the major themes?" He further asked.

"There are the themes of nature and civilization, theme of love and passion, theme of masculinity and femininity, theme of class and the theme of revenge and reputation." She stated and the teacher was amazed.

"Wow!an applause for her." The teacher ordered the class and the class members clapped with the exception of Jiddah and her group members of course.

"Now that i know you're listening to what i'm explaining please stop zoning out." The teacher smiled at her.

"Okay Sir." She smiled back.

"Hypocrite." Jiddah said and hissed loudly. The teacher shot her a glare which she rolled her eyes at him.

During break time, Ariana and Asma went to their usual spot conversing when Asma let out a loud yawn making Ariana to chuckle.

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