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"Know that the ungrateful are never successful."
(Q 28:82)

Kano, Nigeria.

Khalil rushed Ariana into the hospital and she was wheeled into the E.R.

Another Nurse also took Safaa with her to treat her wounds. Khalil scooped Marwa in his arms and was pacing the waiting area when a Nurse came out.

"You're Miss Ariana's relatives right?"


"She's safe and awake you can go and see her now." Khalil thanked her and hurried into the room.

The state he saw Ariana made Khalil's heart to twitch. She looked lost and distraught, her massive hair looking disheveled flying in different directions. The place his mother burnt had some ointments to prevent it from leaving any permanent scar. Tears spurred out of her eyes as she stared into space.

Khalil rushed to her and gathered her in his arms. "Shush cry no more my princess, it shall be well In ShaAllah."

"What have i ever done to her? what has my Mamy ever done to her to deserve such insults even after her death?"

"Everything shall pass In Sha Allah. One day it will all become history. Now, wipe those tears okay?" He smiled trying hard not to break also.

"I will forever be by your side Ariana. I love you always have, and always will." He said placing a kiss on her forehead. He loves Ariana more than he loves any of his siblings.

"No one loves us like you do after all, everyone has deserted us, even Mamy died and left us alone. Abbi never wanted us, even Grandpa and Yakaka deserted us! Grandpa said he will be checking up on us after Mamy's death but he never did so! why??" She looked at Khalil with tears her eyes full of broken hopes.

Ariana and Safaa were discharged three days ago. Khalil didn't took them home instead booked a hotel suite for them for the time being. He wouldn't make the mistake of taking them back to that house until they're fully recovered. Marwa was with them also.

The hotel serves them the three square meals with deserts as Khalil has paid for everything. He always visits them after work.

To his surprise, none of his parents asked of Ariana and the twins, their thoughts were that they were still at the hospital. Eight year old Hanif was the only one who care to ask about his step sisters, the rest didn't cared. Khalil was very about that!. How could they be so inhumane? He couldn't believe those people birthed him!

Khalil as usual left to the suite to check up on his sisters after work. He met them laughing at a joke Ariana pulled and Khalil was very happy to see the happiness in their faces.

"What am i missing?" He smiled coming into the room. Their faces all lit up when they saw him. The twins ran to him and hugged him.

"Ya Khalil, you're welcome." Ariana smiled.

"Thank you Ariana, how are you feeling now?" He asked.

"Alhamdulilah. i'm feeling much better Ya Khalil." She grinned.

"Alhamdulilah! I'm glad you guys are on holiday otherwise you could have been missing school."

"Yes Ya Khalil."

He stayed with them for a while before leaving after maghrib. The room service brought them dinner and after they had their dinner and prayed, they all drifted to sleep.

This went on for two weeks until a faithful wednesday when Khalil's boss called and ordered him to be in Abuja. Khalil wasn't happy with the situation at all. He doesn't want his sisters to go back to the hell they call home but what could he do? He cannot afford the risk of  leaving them alone in a hotel suite without regularly checking up on them.

And so with heavy hearts and sad faces, Ariana and the twins packed up and left with Khalil. Ariana braced for it already knowing sooner or later she would have to go back to the house no matter how many days they will spend in the suite.

No one spared them a look including Alhaji Malik when they returned talk less of even enquiring about their health. Khalil felt disgusted by that. He left the next day promising Ariana to be back as soon as possible.

School resumed the following week and Ariana resumed attending her classes with no care in the world. Hajiya Nusaiba had been giving her the cold attitude since their return but Ariana didn't care about that. She does all her chores at the right time and tried her best to avoid Jiddah and Basma even when they intend to pull a fight.

Some days they get food while on some days, they will have to eat the remnant of what Jiddah and the rest ate. Some days, they don't even get the privilege to have the remnant, Ariana would have to gather the scrapes when washing the plates and eats with her siblings and Alhaji Malik was aware of all the happenings! Ariana often wondered the kind of hatred he has towards them. Anyways, as Khalil had said to her; it will all become history oneday.

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