Smurfs Headcanon: Poet's Singing

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As previously mentioned in my profile conversations, I adore Poet Smurf's voice in the 2021 series (which extends to my OC, Smurfmaple). I mean, something about that mellifluous English accent just screams "Poet" to me.

Would anyone of you think it weird of me to presume that his singing voice is similarly smurfy-sounding? He'd be especially great at hitting those high notes. Of course, this talent might not be very well-known because Poet doesn't feel the urge to sing all that often, except when smurfing lullabies to Baby Smurf.

I'm not sure how this could play into the series. Maybe Harmony overhears the lullabies and gets jealous (and/or impressed), or some human hears Poet's voice and decides to use it for their own ambitions. One thing's for certain, though: if Maple ever heard her crush's singing, she would swoon on the spot!

  What do y'all think? Does a melodic singing voice sound like a fitting character trait for Poet? Please let me know in the comments below!

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