TrollsTopia Oneshot: Formation of the Giver Gang

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  Saturday night, 8:29. Onyx and Ophelia had both met with Branch at the large oak tree in Misty Meadows the other night, and he gave them a list of meeting dates and times, all at the bunker. This was to be the first meeting. When the royal Goth siblings arrived at the destination, however, they were surprised to see that Gust, Synth, and Laguna were also there.

  "What are all of you doing here?" Onyx asked, to which Gust answered, "Branch told me to come here."

  "Yo, he told you that too?" Synth exclaimed in surprise, following by Laguna asking, "Was it at the large oak tree down in Misty Meadows?"

  Gust nodded his head, as did Onyx and Ophelia, with the young Goth princess saying, "Well, we'd best not keep him waiting," to which the other four Trolls agreed as they all went down into the bunker.

  Inside, they were all greeted by the Giver, who began the meeting by saying in a rough, deep voice, "Welcome, fellow Trolls."

  Before this mysterious introduction could continue, Synth piped up with this: "What up, Dubstep?"

  This immediately left the girls shocked, Onyx and Gust stunned, and Branch groaning as he removed his hood and shades. "Anyway," Branch said, trying to set that awkward moment aside, "I'm sure I've spoken with every one of you about why I need your help."

  "It involves the Pop tribe tradition of the Giver delivering gifts all across the village every harvest moon, yes?" Laguna asked, to which Branch promptly answered, "Yes. However, with the formation of Trollstopia, there are so many more Trolls to gift, and who knows how many of them will join the investigation for the Giver's identity?"

  "I reckon Holly Darlin' sure might," Gust replied, causing Onyx and Ophelia to shudder, with Ophelia adding, "I still remember when Onyx gave her a new set of hand-crafted tap shoes for her birthday."

~~~Flashback (Narrated by Gust and Onyx)~~~

  Onyx: I kept the plan nice and simple- Ophelia was to distract Holly with some "girl time" while I slipped the present into her house.

While Holly and Ophelia were both heading to the spa, Onyx sneaked over to Holly's house and discreetly slipped his gift in before dashing off... with Gust having witnessed.

Gust: Gotta tell ya, it was an awfully effective plan. Just mighta worked... if Holly hadn't identified his handwritin' on the gift tag.

Holly calmly trotted into her house and was stunned by what she saw on her bed: a light-orange box wrapped in a light lemon-colored ribbon, with a small crystal daisy centering the bow. As the Country ambassador approached her bed, she picked up the box and read the tag, which just said "To one darling Country Troll."

Onyx: The very next day...

  Up in the tree-cottage at the top of Goth Wood, Onyx was trying to write a poem when all of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door. Ophelia was off at Poppy's pod for Scrapbooking Club, so Onyx went up to get the door. When he opened it, however, he saw Holly glaring at him. In a swift rush of panic, he quickly tried to close and bar the door, only for those plans to be dashed by the stronger four-legged Troll holding it open.

"So, ya thought you could sneak a gift past me, did ya?" Holly asked before pulling a midnight-blue and black present out of her big, beautiful hair, "Well, now you're about to get exactly what you've given: a gift that is hand-crafted, thoughtful, and beautifully wrapped!"

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