Hanazuki Headcanon: Big Bad

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The Big Bad. A black, blobby entity resembling shadows. It swarms around the Lunaverse. It consumes moons and destroys all organic life on them. These are the only things known about it. No one knows just what it is or where it came from.

However, my friend JazzmenMoody has an idea for the former: that the Big Bad is actually a physical manifestation of depression. I personally believe that this makes a lot of sense because the Big Bad eliminates (almost) all life on the moons it consumes (which can be seen as symbolic of how depression can destroy and even end lives) nd is warded off by Treasure Trees (which can be interpreted as physical representations of healthy emotional expression), except for Black Treasure Trees (which are grown from Despair).

Also, as a little side theory, I'd like to talk about the possibility of double- or triple-colored Treasure Trees being grown. Examples would include Pink/Blue/Yellow, Blue/Lime Green, Yellow/Orange, Black/Blue, Lavender/Dark Green, Red/Emerald, Blue/Raspberry, Pink/Purple/Lime Green, Purple/Teal, Yellow/Dark Green, Red/Lime Green, and Lavender/Purple. Jazzy and I both believe that bi-colored Treasure Trees could inflict some damage on the Big Bad, and the tri-colored ones could partially destroy it. However, both might require more Goop.

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