Chapter 96 - Extra 3: University Life

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“Look, look, its that boy again.” Dressed in military fatigues, some girls were sitting on the ground, pointing towards a boy standing under the shade of a distant tree. They whispered towards each other, their eyes shining like stars.

“Ah, ah, he’s so handsome! It’s like he’s glowing.” One of the girls pressed her hands against her cheeks.

“I heard that school flower the in the next class has taken a fancy to him. After military training’s finished…”

“Hiss- so fast?”

“You have to be quick, ah. Don’t you see how many people stare at this boy every time he comes? If you’re just a little bit late, you may not even have the chance to ask him out.”

“Right, right, right. Alas, I don’t have the confidence of that school flower. Otherwise, I would ask him out too…”

Another girl whispered: “Don’t be silly, ah. That boy’s not in our university, but he frequently visits this old military training grounds for no apparent reason. I think it’s obvious he’s here to visit his lover.”

Next to her, another girl chimed in: “That makes sense.”

“Oh, yeah, I didn’t think about that. Alas, what a pity.”

Just as the girls were about to howl in indignation when someone informed them: “No, no, I heard from someone that he’s a friend of Zheng PingQing from business management. The boy is here to visit him.”

At the mention of Zheng PingQing, the girls immediately perked back up.

“Ah ah, Zheng PingQing? He’s also really handsome, ah.”

“Right, right, right. Hey, which do you think is more handsome? That boy or Zheng PingQing?”

“Drooling about Zheng PingQing is useless, ah. I heard that on the first day of the semester, a lot of people approached Zheng PingQing and asked about his love life, only to be directly told that he was already engaged.”

The girls: “….”

Someone’s mouth twitched. “….really?”

The girl nodded. “Really. I heard that they even wear engagement rings and are just waiting to graduate to get married.”

The girls were in disarray. “Getting engaged during high school?”

“That…isn’t he a bit too impatient. ah?”

“Could it be some kind of arranged marriage?”

“Arranged marriage? What, is Zheng PingQing a bigwig that’s inheriting a great fortune?”

Some of the girls cursed. “He’ll regret it sooner or later. How many people do you meet in high school? Now that he’s in university, he’ll meet all sorts of people and find out just how naive he’d been.”

One girl couldn’t help but ridicule the others’ explosive allegations: “I don’t know if he’ll come to regret it in the future, but I heard that he’s a super show-off. Someone heard him say that if he hadn’t been underaged, he would’ve already married his lover the moment they got engaged…”

The girls: “…”

The girls who previously had starry eyes when Zheng PingQing was mentioned, now became confused.

“What the hell…”

“He’s not the lady-killer I imagined him to be…”

“He doesn’t look like someone who can’t pick up girls, why does he need to show off…”

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