Chapter 11 - Crisis During Breakfast

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It was one thing to defend against the enemy’s sugar-coated bullets, but it was another to eat the enemy’s breakfast right in front of him. He had even burped in satisfaction.

Xu Yao lowered his head in shame.

Zheng PingQing glared at Xu Yao in contempt before turning to Lin Qian. “Let’s go to the snack shop and grab something.”

Looking at the crumbs and the empty carton of soybean milk, Lin Qian quietly nodded. “Let’s go.”

Xu Yao nervously raised his head and said: “I’ll go too.”

Zheng PingQing crossed his arms and glanced at him, replying: “You still haven’t had enough?”

Xu Yao: “I haven’t…burp”

Xu Yao wanted to cry as he covered his mouth. “I didn’t…burp”

“Ai!” Xu Yao jumped to his feet and yelled, “I won’t go! Burp”

After that, Xu Yao could no longer bear the shame of his continuous burps and fled.

Looking at the rapidly retreating figure Zheng Pingqing couldn’t help but smirk. Finally, the light bulb disappeared. He could now be with his boyfriend and have a good love-filled breakfast.

This is the kind of adolescence that deserved to be remembered after many years ah!

Lin Qian had no idea that Zheng PingQing was already in the process of planning many flowery scenarios in his mind. Shifting to properly secure his bag on his shoulder, Lin Qian turned to Zheng PingQing and said: “I’m gonna go to the bathroom first, you go on ahead.”

Zheng PingQing smoothly took Lin Qian’s bag and with a smile, replied: “Alright.”

Lin Qian saw his cheerful expression and patted Zheng PingQing on the shoulder: “My boyfriend, try to be a little more low-key. We’re only old enough for puppy love and crushes right now.”

Zheng PingQing sighed. “Even in our last life, I had to hold back. No matter the lifetime, my heart just wants to constantly show affection, ah.”

Lin Qian was skeptical and asked: “You held back in our last life? Are you sure it wasn’t because we fell in love a lot later in our lives, leaving our poor Zheng PingQing only a small amount of time to play?”

Zheng PingQing’s face was grave as he replied: “No way. Love is just so heavy that one can’t bear to disentangle themselves from it.”

Lin Qian pulled at his hair and sighed: “This conversation is making me too anxious to pee.”


In addition to stationery and snacks, the small shop by the entrance of No. 12 High School also sold simple breakfast foods, mainly boiled water and instant noodles. The owner also sold fried eggs and ham.

The small shop had a few folding tables. Breakfast time was usually busy with a good amount of students eating and today was no exception.

Dong MingEn and Lou XingGuang were currently occupying a table. As they ate their noodles, they continued to argue about yesterday’s events.

“&#k2026;.I really wanted to rage when I got home last night. It was so obvious that Lin Qian was toying with us, but we still couldn’t defeat him. I really can’t stand this!” Dong MingEn growled.

Lou XingGuang’s expression wasn’t any better, but he remained relatively calm as he comforted his friend. “For the sake of our Boss, even if we can’t stand it, we have to bear with it.”

“Boss, he….” Dong MingEn couldn’t continue. Thinking of Zheng PingQing’s sacrifice, he couldn’t help but sigh again. “Sigh–”

Lou XingGuang’s heart was also unwilling. “That cheap Lin Qian, even after all that, he still wanted to be escorted home. It’s a real pity that we couldn’t stand up and expose his true colors in that situation!”

[BL]Reborn With An Old Enemy On the Day of Our Marriage Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin