Chapter 26 - Gift

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“….happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~”

As several people sang around him, Huo YeRui blew out the candles on his cake. After he did so, they all said their well-wishes:

“Huo YeRui, Happy Birthday!”

“Happy Birthday!”

“Congratulations! I hope you stay as happy and healthy for the rest of the year!”

Huo YeRui, who had been overshadowed the entire night, finally felt like a protagonist. His mood lifted.

Tang WanQi came up to him with a big box wrapped in exquisite paper. She handed it to Huo YeRui and said: “YeRui, this is a birthday gift from our entire class.”

Huo YeRui invited every single student in his class, so they all decided to pitch in to give him a better gift than what they could normally afford.

Huo YeRui received the box with a smile. The other students from different classes soon heard that it was a gift from an entire class, so they grew curious. Someone couldn’t help but ask: “What’s the gift?”

Huo YeRui asked Tang WanQi: “Can I open it now?”

Tang WanQi replied: “I have no problem with that. What about you guys?”

Their fellow classmates said that they didn’t mind, so Huo YeRui started unwrapping the present as everyone looked on. As the wrapping tore, it revealed a box of sports shoes from a famous brand.

A lot of boys exclaimed: “Wooow.”

For many young students, this brand of shoes was legendary. It had a strong advertising campaign, with many famous stars advocating the brand. Many boys would talk and discuss the various products of this brand in their spare time. But as even their cheapest products were worth a white-collar’s monthly salary, their contact with this brand could only be during discussion. Most students don’t have that kind of spending power.

So the brand’s high price and popularity became a sort of weapon between many students. Even the worst basketball player could have a spotlight if he owned shoes from this brand. Of course, an easy way one could destroy this crummy player was to simply say: “Your shoes are fake.”

Therefore, when Huo YeRui exposed the logo on the box, many of the surrounding boys were green with envy.

Meanwhile, Huo YeRui couldn’t stop the smile rising from his lips. He opened the box and inside were a new pair of shoes.

At this, some knowledgeable person shouted: “Wow, it’s a limited edition!”

This person’s words cause another wave of exclamations. The girls didn’t understand the power of these shoes, but nevertheless, they were swept along when the boys around them started to endorse the shoes.

Not to mention how hard it was to even find a pair of these limited edition shoes, just its price would make it absolutely valuable.

Even a rich second generation student that was amongst the crowd had bright eyes. “Your classmates are quite tasteful.”

Huo YeRui had a smile on his face, but he made sure he didn’t seem too overjoyed. After all, there were a lot of students around him that had superior family backgrounds. His father, Huo PingChuan, had emphasized that he should always behave appropriately, no matter the situation. He should never reveal too much emotion, lest it made him look unsophisticated.

Huo YeRui said: “I was already delighted with the fact that you all attended my party. How can I accept such a precious gift?”

Tang WanQi waved a hand. “Don’t say that it’s too expensive. This is our last year of high school, and we don’t know the next time we can all get together like this, so we decided to give you something special in the hopes that you can remember us after graduation.”

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