Chapter 73 - The Unstable Situation at the Dining Table

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He YiJun crazily cursed Chen ShiYi in her heart, but she didn’t show it on her face. She had to show a kind and virtuous appearance no matter what. She kindly called everyone to eat, desperately trying to hide her internal injuries as she did so.

“Why are there so many dishes?” Zheng BuLu glanced at the full dinner table and sent He YiJun a disapproving glance. “YiJun, being thrift is a good traditional virtue to have. Even in this modern age, we shouldn’t lose such values. Although our family isn’t poor, we shouldn’t be so extravagant or wasteful either.”

He YiJun: “….” What the hell is wrong with this family? The father asks her not to waste food while the son asks her not to be frugal. They’re trying to kill her with exhaustion!

But of course, He YiJun was no fool. She gave Zheng BuLu a gentle smile as she helplessly said: “I just didn’t prepare enough. I didn’t ask the children what they wanted to eat in advance, so I just prepared a few usual dishes. I didn’t expect that what I prepared wasn’t enough. That child ordered a few more dishes, and since I wanted the children to eat well…I couldn’t let him feel aggrieved, right?”

He YiJun seemed to be blaming herself, but her sentence subtly pushed all the blame to Lin Qian. As expected, Lin YaZhi became very embarrassed when he heard her words. He apologetically said: “Oh, Ah Qian sometimes…”

Before Lin YaZhi could finish, Zheng BuLu interrupted him with a cough. “Don’t mind, don’t mind. Things just ended this way, ah. He YiJun, just pay more attention in the future, don’t blame yourself.”

He YiJun: “…..” No, wait a minute. Are you really saying that this is my fault?

If Zheng BuLu had blamed her directly, she could’ve argued that she simply wanted to save face in front of their guests. But Zheng BuLu was so earnestly ’empathizing’ with her that He YiJun had no idea what to say.

He YiJun used to be so good at being ‘considerate’ towards others, ah. She had achieved many things with her conversation skills. But for the first time, Zheng BuLu was very uncooperative, making her very unhappy.

But what could she say? She was the one who started all this. Even if the plot didn’t go as expected, she still had to continue. So, in the end, He YiJun gritted her teeth and displayed a blinding smile. “Alright, I understand. Let’s all sit down first.”

At this time, Lin Qian and Zheng PingQing arrived. Both men heard the tail end of their conversation, and Zheng PingQing asked: “What’s the matter? Who’s being blamed?”

Shao SiJia cooly responded: “Oh, Ah Qian’s being blamed for ordering so many dishes. Auntie feels very guilty.”

He YiJun: “……???” Young lady, your two sentences are very misleading when together, ah. Aren’t you being a little unreasonable?

Of course, Shao SiJia did this intentionally. She didn’t have a parent’s mindset like Lin YaZhi so she could immediately discern He YiJun’s implied complaints towards her younger brother.

Zheng PingQing turned to He YiJun and smiled: “I don’t think Auntie He did it intentionally, ah. You don’t need to blame yourself, Auntie.”

He YiJun: “….??” Wait a minute. How can the logic of both these people be so unreasonable, ah?

Lin YaZhi previously thought that it was his son who had been a little rude. But unexpectedly, all the blame had been thrust upon He YiJun. Well, since everyone unanimously agreed, Lin Qian must not be at fault here. Lin YaZhi’s heart was relieved, and he even very generously said to He YiJun: “Don’t worry about it, ah.”

He YiJun: “…….”

She tried to steal a chicken, but in the end, she only ended up losing the rice she used to lure it. Everyone is suddenly so ‘considerate,’ ah. How wonderful.

[BL]Reborn With An Old Enemy On the Day of Our Marriage Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα