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COLD was definitely a good description of Forks Washington, my figure began shaking as soon as we left the airport and i can say for sure that this place is definitely nothing like California

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COLD was definitely a good description of Forks Washington, my figure began shaking as soon as we left the airport and i can say for sure that this place is definitely nothing like California..that's where we we're moving from but I guess a change could be nice- i just really want to forget what happened on that night which will forever haunt me and my dream's. No amount of medication my mom or doctors give me will ever make that night disappear from my mind because it's always replaying in my head and i feel like I'm going insane. even right now i can feel the icy chill running down my throat-

"Willow? Sweetie? You're Zoning out again" the soothing but rough voice of my mother snapped me out of my trance as i glanced from the foggy windows and endless rows of trees to my anxious mother "Oh..right I'm fine mom"

Her almost soundless sigh made my stomach churn, i hated being her constant need to worry and be cautious when ever we go out somewhere it got so bad she started carrying a gun- obviously a licensed one but you know strangely enough i never see actual bullet's..i once saw a whole load of these wooden shaped bullets. Shaking my head to clear myself of those thoughts I already feel crazy there's no need to add to it.

"And we are here" My mom said stopping the newly purchased car outside a white house which oddly looked a-lot like my cousins, turning my head to face my mom I raised a confused brow as to why there was a police cruiser and a worn out truck already parked on the driveway "Mom are you sure this isn't someone else's house"

She laughed softly before pointing towards the opening front door out stepped "Uncle Charlie!" I practically leaped out of my seat while running into his opened arm's, my uncle Charlie was a man I thought as a father figure more then an uncle one. His deep chuckle vibrated from his chest oh how I missed him "You've grown so big weeping willow" he teased me as a small smile made it's way onto my deadpanned face.

"I'm not a cry baby anymore uncle Charlie!"

"I don't believe it" a new voice spoke and this time it was more quiet then uncle Charlie and my mom, stepping out of his hold my jaw nearly dropped to the floor when seeing Bella my cousin but she was so much more like a sister "Bella!?"

"Come here!" She opened her arms which I didn't hesitate to jump into and snuggle close as her warmth consumed my freezing figure. "I've missed you so much Bell's" I whispered softly tears welling up in my eyes when remembering our separation when we were younger. I think she heard my sniffing because she commented with a smirk "Still such a weeper huh?"

Pushing her playfully i rolled my eyes when they all began laughing at my poor facade "Shut up! I'm cold can we go inside now?" I turned to my mom who was smiling fondly when seeing me she just nodded with a hum me and Bella took that as our cue so we quickly ran inside, we both hated the cold more then anything.

——————————time skip———————————

I KNOW we literally just moved back to Fork's but i was totally bummed out when i heard my mom saying how I'll be joining Bella in her school, after the accident I stopped going to school and just stayed home while my mom would home school me but we all know she isn't the best at teaching so I'm just thankful I stopped going to school right before the Summer break.

"Mom you can't just chuck me into school in like the middle of the year!" I whined quickly keeping up with her steps as she strolled through the supermarket mindlessly throwing food into her basket which dangled from her arm "Sweetie didn't we already talk about this? We moved to Forks for a fresh start and new beginning's so i think everything we used to do in California we should just forget and move on from" She replied not even turning to glance at me.

Crossing my arms over my chest to provide myself comfort when she brought up California like it was nothing. "Nothing can make me forget what happened and you know that!" I snapped at her causing her to turn to me with a 'keep your voice down' look her eyes pointed and sharp. "We can talk at home" and that was the end of that as we continued shopping in silence.

-in the car- (authors pov)

"Mom I can't understand why you don't believe me!" Willow couldn't hold back her frustration as she angrily shouted out to her mother as soon as they buckled into their seats, her long heavy sigh sounded after Willow's accusation "How many times do i have to tell you Willow!? What you saw that night isn't real! You hit your head when your friend Pushed you's- it's not real" her voice slowly weakened and became more saddened as the very sensitive subject was brought up yet again and every time it was talked or argued about it seemed to get more painful each time. It was a part of Willow's past she wished she could get rid of.

"Whatever don't believe me then!" Willow scoffed sliding down further into her seat before snapping her fiery eyes out toward's the tree's that danced in the wind, they we're swaying to the beat's of the harsh wind..Willow, since a child has always loved the wind as it was such a powerful thing and that amazed her to no end.

Willow squinted her eyes to try and get a better look at the forest but she suddenly caught sight of a silhouette it was too dark to know for sure though and on top of that the car was moving too fast to see properly but she swore she saw a pool of shining golden eyes staring right back into her's .A sudden wave of calmness overcame her like a new layer was painted over her once annoyed,angered state.

As the car drove further away she couldn't help but peep her head out the window to try and catch sight of those beautiful eyes she wished she could get lost in- or at least she thought they were eyes..her mother would instantly shove pills into her mouth if she even brought it up so instead she kept quiet.

"Listen sweetie I'm sorry for getting angry, just know everything i do is to protect you" Willows mom spoke up finally breaking the silence between them which was so thick you could cut a knife through it "You're protection is keeping secrets from me, it's sending me to countless therapists, it's shoving all sorts of pills down my throat so i can get 'better'! Nothing will ever make me forget that night! I know what i saw mom regardless if you believe me or not!" Willow then made her way out the car making sure to slam the door in the process before angrily storming into the house ignoring her uncle Charlie who was asking her if she was okay from his chair.

Only when his sister in law walked through the door with a saddened look on her face, told him to let Willow have some time by herself.

Walking up the stairs she practically ran inside Bella's bedroom which she'll be sharing with her for the time being, Bella looked up from her book with a questioning look plastered onto her face as she watched Willow pace around her bedroom.

"What's wrong Willow?"

The said girl only shook her head before flopping down onto Bella's bed with a huff, her body felt exhausted with everything that's been going on- the constant arguing with her mom, the packing, the lies, the nightmares, the plain ride..the mystery of it all was what did she really see that night.

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