"I really want N'Sync to do a reunion." Niall says randomly. "Same though?" Zayn laughed along.

"I love it when you laugh, Zayn. Your smile is so beautiful, as girly as that sounds. But when I hear you laugh because of me I feel like I've been given a privilege to hear it." Niall said looking up as the sunlight beams in his eyes.

Do you ever take a picture when the sun is in your eyes so your eyes are lighter? Nialls eyes didn't have to do that for Zayn to look in them and smile. His eyes were heaven.

"I'm going to try, Niall.." Zayn looked Niall in the eyes. "Try? Try what?" Niall asks.

"To stop doing drugs. If you can be like this and have that life I can be okay..." Zayn nods.

"Thank you so much, Zayn." Niall felt tears swim in his eyes. It was too late.

He caught feelings. He wondered if there was a way to throw them back. He was close to Zayn how. But he had to help Zayn.

"I have these really bad headaches. I mean, I'm not sick or anything I just get these random headaches." Niall explained to Zayn.

"Maybe you're allergic to butterflies... I noticed to grab your head when they get near." Zayn said.

"Yeah, that happens. But it's for like 3 minutes. I don't know. My Doctor said it was just stress." Niall shrugged.

Niall looked at Zayn just smiling lazily at him. "What?" Niall asks curiously but he just smiled back.

"I've never met someone like you. You're so different." Zayn felt a weird warm feeling in his stomach and less pressure in his head.

He had relieved stress by talking to Niall. That's all. Just looking. "

"Niall, I can't even thank you enough for being there for me.. I'm glad that dumbass Café brought us together." Zayn never let Nialls hand go. Niall gave Zayn's hand a squeeze,

"I'm glad too, Zayn."


"Remember when you actually gave a fuck about your other friends, Zayn?! ITS NOT ALL NIALL!" Louis yelled.

Louis was in a pissy mood because Harry stormed out after a fight and apparently it's Zayn's fault because he was there and didn't say anything.

Even if he did, Louis would tell him to mind his business and then Zayn would be pissed either way.

"Remember when you had your own life and stopped making bitchy comments about mine?" Zayn snapped at him.

"You did not just just quote Mean Girls." Louis stopped to laugh. Zayn couldn't help but giggle either which surprised Louis. Zayn usually would have rolled his eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry. You're always my brother, okay? I love you." Louis just hugged Zayn because Zayn's smile was life.

"Why aren't you at the hospital?" Harry had walked in during the hug.

"Oh, I just got-" "Nobody asked you." Harry rolled his eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Zayn said taken aback from the -usually smiley- lads tone.

"I want to know what the fuck I found weed in my car?" Harry held the Baggie up.

"Harry, that wasn't me. I'm trying to quit and-"

"Zayn, you've said this 60 times! You used my car this morning because you're out of gas. Let me guess, no money because you spent it on weed?!" Harry shouts.

"Haz, calm down-"

"Shut the fuck up, Lewis." Harry growled. "Oh no the fuck he didn't." Louis said sassily to himself. Nobody was paying attention.

"No, actually I have no money because I spent it on clothes, food, and paying you back!" Zayn threw the wad of cash on the table.

Harry got quiet.

"Have you ever thought letting Luke borrow your car last night would be a bad idea, Harry?" Zayn said offended and this time, he stormed out. He just sat in his car in their parking lot as it rained.

"I've been sleeping with the lights on..." Zayn sang to himself to stop the urges of smoking or doing any drug.

"Cause the darkness is surrounding you... This is my world, this is my choice... And your the drug that gets me through..." Zayn mumbled as he breathed.

"I've been waiting for an answer because I built this bed for two.." Zayn felt himself calm down.

"So will you be my life support?" Zayn smiled as he thought of the blue-eyed boy as he sang.
Zayn realised what he sang was true.

"...you're my life support..."

The Silent Beat of a Butterfly's  Wings (Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now