Chapter 68- Two Assholes... I Mean, CEOs

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I slowly open my eyes and my head hurts, I look around the room. I'm home. How did I get home? I glance above my head and watch Kabir sleeping. His mouth is slightly open, his eyes closed and amazingly, there's peace on his face. I smile and kiss his chest. I slowly get out of bed and my neck hurts because I slept with my head on his chest, I put some balm on my neck and take an aspirin. It's eight, I silently get myself and Myra ready and we leave the house. I'll let Kabir sleep, he must be exhausted and tensed, but that's not the only reason that I let him sleep. He's gonna sue me because of my irresponsible behaviour last night. I reach the bank and start working. Meetings, conferences, meetings, conferences and a lot of the two. I am done with the work by eight, I leave for home. I didn't receive any calls or texts from Kabir. I reach home and ring the bell. The door opens, and I smile at him, to both my amusement and horror, Kabir doesn't smile back. His nose flares, he folds his arms over his chest, his ears go back, he clenches his jaw and his left eyebrow shoots up. Clearly, this is going to be very romantic... My ass.

"Uh... Hey." I look everywhere except for his face.

"We have to talk." He says in a cold "CEO" tone. I internally shiver.

"Oh, okay... I'll change and come back." I try to get past him, practically hiding in my room. But, Kabir grabs my arm and turns me to face him. He pulls me close enough to create the dominance of his 6'2 over my 5'2. I look at him and my eyes almost burn because of the intensity he looks into my eyes with. I gulp.

"I said- We have to talk." He glares at me. I don't dare to open my mouth. He lets go of my arm and I quickly sit down on the sofa. Kabir sits beside me. I want to hide. I am at fault.

"Why didn't you inform me that you're going to the club?" He asks. I quickly look at him.

"Excuse me?" I feel offended.

"Why did you go to the club without informing me?" He asks again.

"Because I'm a twenty-seven-year-old matured and grown up woman and I can take care of myself. I don't need to tell you about everything I do and everywhere I go." I snap.

"Oh really?" Kabir sarcastically says.

"Yes," I say through gritted teeth.

"Of course, it was so fucking mature of you to stand alone, drunk and barely dressed in front of a group of drunk assholes in the middle of an empty street at two in the God damn morning, that too without pepper spray or any self-defence equipment. I apologize, Ms Mehra, you indeed are mature... I am the moron who gets worried and all worked up because of your "responsible" behaviour towards things. I really am sorry." He growls at me. Well... maybe I'm just twenty-seven. Nothing more than that.

"I... I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Do you know how scary it is to think that someone you've spent all your life loving, is so prone and vulnerable to disastrous shit? To think that she's standing alone in a street with men who, god knows, have what all crap running in their heads? To know that they are staring and rather ogling at the love of your life? Especially, when she is intoxicated and not in a state to even raise a bloody finger at them? You have no fucking idea." Kabir's head falls in his hands.

"I do. I know what you felt." I imagine him hurriedly searching for his keys and rushing down the stairs because he doesn't believe in any technology when it comes to me. I imagine him driving as if he has extra lives, I imagine him sweating and breathing hard. I imagine the creases forming on his forehead and the veins in his neck visible and restless. I imagine his horror when he sees the guys. I imagine his relief when he sees me. I hate myself so much right now.

"Siya, I don't expect you to tell me everything you do or everywhere you go. But, as someone who cares, I do expect you to show some responsibility when it comes to your safety. To be careful and alert about yourself and your surroundings. I didn't mean to sound controlling, I'm not trying to be. I'm sorry if you felt bad for what I said. But, please don't do this again. I really do lose my shit. You know that." He whispers. I hug him. He wraps his strong arms around my body and we snuggle into each other's neck.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you." He replies.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asks. I kiss his eyes and smile.

"There were bags under those lovely eyes of yours and you looked super exhausted. One day of rest shouldn't have hurt." I tell him.


"Did you see through the presentation I sent you? The Alexis one."

"Yes, it was excellent. I did make a few changes though..." He says.

"I hate Alexis conference meetings." I groan.

"The CEO is an asshole." He says while typing on his phone.

"The CEO indeed is an asshole," I say, looking at him. He chuckles and lifts his head to look at me. I keep staring at him until the realisation hits him hard. In the face.

"Oh, shut up. I'm not an asshole." He rolls his eyes.

"Oh, trust me, you are." I laugh.

"Bleh, bleh, bleh..." He says and starts laughing. We have dinner along with Myra, I am the only one who's not a part of the conversation because Myra has someone better to share herself with, and so does he. I simply sit at the table admiring the pieces of my heart. Kabir leaves after we finish dinner, and I go to sleep along with Myra.

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