Chapter 40- Happy Birthday Ms. Mehra!!

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I wake up and screw my eyes shut as I take time to adjust to the light, the light from the bulbs in my room. I pull my covers over my head and think about what happened last night. I kissed him and everyone knows that we're together. Good. I look at my body and realise that I'm naked. I smile and stretch my arms and yawn. I plop my head out of the cover and gasp.

"Oh." I huff.

"Morning." He's sitting on the bean bag beside the bed.

"How long have you been here?" I ask him.

"A few hours." He smiles. I wrap the cover around my breasts and my body, leaving my shoulders and sit on his lap. I run my finger from his forehead to his nose, to his lips, his neck, and then his chest.

"Did you fuck me last night?" I seductively whisper in his ear, and he shivers.

"" He shudders.

"Why? You could have easily banged me on the bed, the floor or maybe against the door..." He quickly swats my hand away from him before I can feel his erection. I laugh at him and pinch his cheeks.

"You're so cute." I keep laughing. He looks embarrassed.

"Fuck you. Horny bitch." He twists his face in irritation and gets up, forcing me to stand.

"Don't you like this horny bitch?" I dramatically bite my lips. He lifts me swiftly and takes me to the bathroom. Maybe, we'll have sex today. The shower too works for m...

"Ahhhhhh," I scream as Kabir throws me into the bathtub. I glare at him.

"Get ready in five minutes or else I'll spank your naked ass." He smirks.

"And what if I do?" I smile.

"I'll spank your covered ass." He winks at me and leaves the room. And here I am... Dreaming about his cock inside me... Oh, shit. I forgot.

"I've packed your stuff. Just get ready." He screams from the hall, I smile.

"Thanks," I say. There's no response, I hear the door close. I take a bath and get ready, surprisingly enough it's just him in the lobby, I look at my watch. Five am it shows, what the...

"You look pretty." He glances up from his phone. I smile in acknowledgement.

"When did you pack all my stuff? Did you even sleep?" I ask observing the bags under his eyes due to the lack of sleep and the heavy and heavenly smell of coffee on his breath.

"No, I didn't sleep. I couldn't. And I said that I was there in your room for a few hours, I packed that time. What did you think? I spent some precious hours just staring at you sleep. Too bad." He shrugs.

"You're such a..." I need to fire back. Anything.

"I'm such a what?" I smirk.

"You're such a Mr Siya Mehra." I point out dramatically. I don't know why I said that but it seemed appropriate enough to demolish his manly ego.

"What the hell did you just say?" He says. I can't understand his expression.

"You're such a Mr Siya Mehra," I say again and now it's my turn to smirk. But, to my irritation and amazement, Kabir smiles. A genuine, proud, grateful and happy smile.

"Thank you. It's a privilege to be known as Mr Siya Mehra." He looks happy.

I feel irritated, I feel like my intention wasn't accomplished. I wanted to hurt his ego. His manly ego. But then, Kabir Singhania isn't a man of ego. He's a man of self-respect, of self-esteem, of incredibly high self-esteem. He pulls me to his chest and kisses my forehead.

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