Chapter 33- Wings To Fly

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I open my eyes and my head hurts. I quickly run to the bathroom and lean against the toilet. I vomit all the liquor and bile in my stomach, my throat burns, and I find it difficult to let the content in my stomach out, but I need to. My eyes start watering and I cry while I vomit. The headache, the hangover, the pain, the news, the whisky and my empty stomach crush me to pieces. The bathroom door opens, and I'm still vomiting and crying. Ava gets inside and holds my hair away from my face and then rubs my back. I feel better, she helps me to my feet, I gargle around ten times to get the taste of vomit off my tongue. I brush my teeth and walk out of the bathroom. I feel miserable. I feel scared. What if they get into trouble? What the hell did they all do? I don't want to lose this beautiful life I'm finally getting used to. I feel dizzy and sad. Fatty walks into the room. He stands in front of me. He wipes my tears and gently runs his hand on my hair.

"Nobody, I repeat Ms Mehra. Nobody lays a hand on you till the three of us are alive. He was destined to this end." He is the most serious than I've ever seen him. I wrap my arms around Fatty and start crying. He firmly hugs me. I feel so blessed to have friends like them. Who does this? Who cares so much?

"I love you guys."

"That's the reason we give a damn," Kabir says from behind.

"When did you do this? How did you kill him? Is there any evidence or something that we need to cover up?" I begin to shake. None of them says anything and starts walking away.

"Are you all deaf? What happened to Vivaan? How did you kill him?" I yell in frustration.

"Siya, enough," Kabir says in a serious voice.

"Well... I need to know." I can't keep my voice down. Ava and Gaurav look at Kabir and he nods at them. They take their phones and purse and leave the house. Myra went to school most probably. It's just me and him.

"Kabir, I'm not a stupid woman. I know you did this. What happened? Tell me." I demand. He looks angry.

"You don't need to get into this." He dismisses me.

"Get into this? You fucking said that? He was my husband, Kabir. I lived with him for five years. He spent five fucking years with me. Tell me. Tell me now. What happened?" I start hitting him with stress. He tries to stop me, but I'm not having it.

"Enough!" He growls and grabs my arm.

"You want to know what happened? I'll fucking tell you what happened." He drags me to the bed, while I keep pushing and hitting him. He doesn't budge. He throws me on the bed and I try to push him away. Kabir pins me to the mattress and looks into my eyes. My eyes tell me that I'm not ready to listen to what could possibly have happened. He climbs on top of me. He is on his fours and my legs are parted. His eyes burn mine. He breathes heavily and crashes his lips on mine. I try to stop him, but he's stronger. I eventually drown in him. I take his tongue in my mouth and suck it, he moans. We desperately kiss each. He doesn't want to speak and nor do I want to hear him. He goes to my neck and sucks the skin there, harshly. I wince at the pain. He repeatedly sucks and nibbles the spot, until it's sure to leave a mark. He kisses me again and breaks the kiss, he kisses me again and breaks the kiss. We are both panting. His hands are surely going to leave a mark on my wrists, but the fact that he will mark me makes me happy. He separates his lips from mine and looks at me. Don't Kabir. Please don't.

"You want to know what happened to him?" He lifts me from the bed and now I find myself pinned to the wall. I nod.

"Your ex-husband died in a fire, not by accident. His body burnt for six hours straight and his body went lifeless in front of my eyes. I was responsible for his death. Ava and Gaurav just helped me. That's it." He says with a straight face. His words from that night echo in my head.

"If you ever think of her again, then remember that you're gonna suffer the most merciless, cruel and sadistic death the human race has ever experienced. You hear me?" I shiver as the words pierce their way through me. How did I forget that Kabir means everything he says? How did I forget that Vivaan was destined to this end? How did I forget that he almost killed a guy on the college campus, just because he said something about me, we weren't even dating at that time. I look at him.

"Why?" My voice goes weak.

"I'm a possessive man, Siya Mehra. I'm very possessive. Nobody hurts what's mine, nobody touches what's mine and nobody disrespects what's mine. If they do, they get the death Vivaan had to go through. And as everyone knows. You. You are mine. The sooner you realise, the better it will be. You have always been mine, since the day I saw you. And as I said once, I'm yours. Forever. Nobody and nothing can take you away from me. Time, situation, people, nothing. You're mine and that's all you need to know." He lets go of my hands and leaves the house. I go to the balcony and for the first time in my life after getting married, I don't look at the ground, I don't watch my tears hit the bottom, I don't throw my head into my hands and scream, I don't feel like jumping from the balcony, I don't feel sad. Today, I look at the sky, I watch the birds fly, I spread my hands wide and breathe, I feel like flying, I feel like a man just stitched a pair of wings on my back, and I feel happy. I AM SMILING. HE LEFT A SMILE ON MY FACE. KABIR. THIS NAME IS ALL I NEED. KABIR. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WORD IN THE WORLD. KABIR. THE MOST PHENOMENAL THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME. KABIR.

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