Chapter 8- New Besties And New Obstacles...

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♡ This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid,
We'll make it out of this mess ♡


"So, this is the room. You've kept it clean." Ava says.

"Thank you, I love cleaning."

"You're studying?"

"Business Administration. You?"


Ava throws her things on Kabir's ex-bed and goes to take a shower. She comes out, a towel wrapped around her body and one around her hair. I realise that she's very beautiful. She sits on the bed and lights up a cigarette from her bag. She motions the cigarette towards me.

"No thanks, I don't smoke." I decline. Oh god.

"Well, you and Kabir, huh? How long has it been?"

"Almost a week."

"So, is he any good on the bed?" She exhales smoke and looks at me. I am stunned at the bold question.

"Umm... Well... We're taking it slow. Neither of us hasn't dated before." I tell her.

"You mean to say that he's your boyfriend and you guys haven't had sex yet? Damn." She laughs.

"No, we haven't. What about you? You have a boyfriend?" I say, trying not to choke in the smoke-filled room. Ava smirks at me and crushes her cigarette on her study table.

"I don't do the dating thing, girl. I go for one-night stands and casual sex. That's more my thing. Plus, guys are a lot of work. I can't handle that drama." She smiles.

I smile, not knowing what to say... She goes to the bathroom to change her clothes. Meanwhile, I text Kabir.

-How are you? And the new roomie?

- I'm good. And Gaurav is an amazing guy. I'm not gonna miss you. Lol.

- You dare.

-How's the other Singhania? Trouble?

-I don't know... Still getting to know her. She was smoking in here. And asked me whether we've had sex or not.

-What did you say?

-That we didn't. What else could I have said?

- You could have told her that Kabir is dying to fuck me and my conservative ass wants to take it slow... Simple.

- You do? I mean, like you want to have sex with me? I didn't know that.

- I don't want to have sex with you, Siya. I want to be yours, forever. In every bloody way possible. I want to be the only man to touch you, to make love to you, to be with you. That's what the thing is. But, I know you need time and I respect that. I'm gonna go now, I'm starving... I love you. Bye.

-Love you more. Bye.

I keep the phone down and think about the text... I love him. I love Kabir. I'm blushing right now. I'm flying on a wave of butterflies, I'm happy. Ava walks in wearing a long t-shirt. Just a long t-shirt.

"Siya, tell me about yourself. I think it'll be better if we know each other." She says.

I start telling her about myself, my home, my parents, my ambitions and my dreams. Ava too tells me a lot about herself... I find her to be a headstrong, brave, confident and opinionated woman. We talk till somewhat two in the morning and by the time we finish gossiping, I'm a laughing mess. I know that I've found a best friend in Ava. She's very different from me but she's very nice. By the end of the conversation, I feel that my perspective toward her has completely changed. I'm gonna love the college days!!!

-You sleeping, boyfriend ???

- I'm sleepy, girlfriend.

- I love Ava! New bestie!

- I love Gaurav! New bestie!

-Don't cheat on me with him...

-Haha... Very funny. Now, shut up and go to bed. It's two in the morning.

I giggle at the text and go to sleep.....

Two months later...

"No, you could have called me if you were getting late," I yell at him.

"You are overreacting."

"It's all because of Samira, right? You were definitely with her..."

"What the fuck? I was stuck in the project... Siya, you're being ridiculous. Samira is a part of the group. That's all."

"Just go, Kabir. Stay happy with your project and your Samira."

"Siya. Enough. It's nothing between me and her." He clenches his jaw.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to talk." I start weeping and Kabir leaves the room, banging the door hard behind him.

We've been arguing and fighting for almost a month after he changed the room... He got a team for a debate competition and there's a bitch named Samira. She's very close to Kabir. I often see them giggling or their hands around each other's shoulders... Kabir and I don't talk much these days and whenever we do, we end up fighting... Ava tells me to give it some time and to trust Kabir. But, after what I see regularly, it gets hard to take her advice. I love him. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm scared that I might lose him to her. But, I just feel so helpless...

I sit on my bed crying when Ava walks in. It's her birthday tomorrow and being the social butterfly she is, the entire college is invited to a club near the campus. I've been helping her plan the whole thing because she thinks that I can take things in an organized and ethical way... She's looking at me, she walks toward me and wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"He loves you, Siya. Trust me." My best friend says.

"I know... B... But, that bitch! Samira. She's always around him. He spends more time with her than whatever time he spends with me." I cry.

"That's only till the project isn't over. Once it's complete, they'll never see each other again. And you know that Kabir knows the teamwork game, he's just being nice to her."

"I don't know, Ava. I don't want to lose him. He's important to me." I whisper.

"You won't Siyu... You really won't."

"Fuck it!! Let's go and buy you a birthday dress!!" I wipe my eyes and stand up.

"That's the spirit! Let's go, baby girl!!!" She chimes in.

We go to the mall, and try on clothes. Ava and I both buy a dress. Mine is a black backless dress. It's sexy and I have to look hot at my bestie's birthday party, isn't it? We come home after buying clothes, footwear and accessories, eat Maggi and boiled eggs from the canteen and go to sleep. I wanted to show the dress to Kabir, but we're on the rough foot right now. So, forget it. I hope the party is a break from all this crap. I bought a pendant with the word AVA made in gold as Ava's birthday present. I hope she likes it.


What's coming up?? So excited!!!! We're about to cross 100 reads guys!!!😱🥳 I love you all so much!!! Thank you for the lovely support and response!! Do share it with your friends and please vote and comment!!! Muah!!😘

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