[ Chapter 17 : Cup Of Tea ]

Start from the beginning

" Laurence? " I asked.

" Give me some thought " he said.

" Come on, tik tok " I said.

" Castrated " he said.

" What?, I rather not both " Travis said.

" Why that? " Mrs. Zvahl asked.

" Well mom, I think dad would pick the same thing and I think you would too " he said.

" Why? " She asked.

" Cause if dad doesn't have a dick you have no one to satisfy you–. . .ah! " A tree branch coincidentally hit his face.

I chuckle as he rub his face and I notice Mrs. Zvahl face are flustered, even from behind here I can tell.

~ Time Skip ~

I approach the fireplace and grab the flint and steel on the top, I kneel down and see the firewood has been replaced with a new one. I strike the steel on the flint and it didn't light the firewood, I strike again but failed, before I strike the third time the fire caught a flame and start burning as the smoke goes up the chimney.

I look over my shoulder and see Rowena by her bed with a smile, waving with her fingers.

" Thanks " I said and put the flint and steel aside.

I blow hot air onto my palm and hold my hand out to he fire as the warmth embrace me. I then reach in my bag beside me and search through it, in the end I found the rectangular chocolate bar before I unwrap it. I bite on it happily and enjoy the fire at the same time.

" Where'd you get that? " I see Katelyn filling a cup with a water of jug.

" I brought it, it's mine " I said and she chuckles then drinks her water.

" Don't worry, chocolate is my favorite " she said.

I furrow my eyebrows.

" You love chocolate? " I asked.

" Very much " she smirks.

I then just break it apart and stuff it in my mouth and she laughs lying on her bed turning away with a blanket over her.

" Enjoy your chocolate while you can " she said, I squeak then grab my bag and dig through it to find my other four bars.

I hear Rowena laugh.

" Relax girl, no one is going to eat your chocolate " she said, I exhale in relief as I hug my bag and just chew the one in my mouth.

I put my hand out to the flames to keep warm then drink some water to get rid of the sweetness. I rinse my mouth then put away my stuff and got off the floor then stretch my body and walk over to the window. Mrs. Zvahl has rented a small house at a village which I do not know where, I was hoping somewhere I knew because I've been to the west a few times to purchase some seeds for the farm but this place is out of the ordinary. Probably further away from where I used to go.

Looking outside I notice two figures in the dark, they seem to be talking, definitely men because they both are tall with the same height and bodies are a little many figure. I squinted my eyes to try and see who it is but they seem to be into the conversation. Seems like they're trading something, it's traders. I look over my shoulder to the other girls who are already fallen asleep, I guess I ate too many chocolate or ate it too fast that I'm already thirsty. I leave the room and head over to the kitchen, when I turn the corner I stop in place to see Mrs. Zvhal making something and Laurence lying his head on his table.

" Oh " I step back a little before crashing into Mrs. Zvhal.

" Sorry " I said.

" Y/n, your still up " she said and I see Laurence lift his head and I smile.

" I was just getting something to drink " I said then see her holding a teapot.

" Why don't you join us?, I was making tea " she said.

I see she already prepared some drinks and there's a few dead sea scrolls on the kitchen table.

" Oh umm, sure " I said.

I walk around the table and sit down in front of Laurence.

" Laurence has insomnia, so I make some tea to help him sleep, works every time "

" Mom, stop it " Laurence said.

" Oh hush, I was just sharing " Mrs. Zvahl said.

" Not something that I don't like sharing " Laurence said, and she pour us the tea.

" Thank you " I said.

" He gets the introvert side from his father " she whispers but out loud for the both of us.

She sit down next to Laurence and I sip the tea.

" This is good " I said.

" It's a family tradition of an herbal tea " she said.

" You mean your tradition?, You came up with it " Laurence said, she chuckles and nudge him before sipping her tea.

We three sit here awkwardly in the silence and I hold my cup as the hot ceramic glass warm my palms.

" Laurence, told me you tasted chocolate for the first time " Mrs. Zvahl said, I let out a nervous laugh then see Laurence take sip of his tea again.

" Yeah about that. . . " I sip my tea and swallow as I clear my throat.

" We don't have that kind of luxurious food back at the outlands " I said.

" Here " she pulls the fruit of basket on the table and takes out a tangerine.

" Do you know what are tangerines? " She holds one, I chuckle and Laurence did the same.

" What? " She looks at the both of us in confusion.

" She knows what a tangerine is mom " Laurence said before sipping his tea again.

" Oh " she laughs it off.

" I just thought maybe you could mistake it as an orange " she said, I chuckle.

" Laurence said the same thing " I said.

She turns to her son and her son looks at her.

" You did? " She asked.

" Sort of, I think " he said.

I drink my tea and finish it.

" Well um, it is sort of getting late and it will be a long day tomorrow so I'm gonna head to sleep " I said as I get up from the chair.

" Sure " Mrs. Zvahl smile.

" Thanks for the tea, it's amazing and uhh. . .goodnight " I said.

" Goodnight " Laurence said and I walk away.

I head back to the room.

Mrs. Zvahl's pov.   

" Why don't you go to sleep too? " I turn to my son who's eyes are droopy and his head is going to hit the table.

" What? " He turns to me confused, I chuckle.

" Go to bed " I said.

" Oh okay " he said and get up from the chair.

He walks away yawning and rubbing his eyes, almost stumbling a little, I chuckle then see he finished his tea already, I sigh as I get up from my chair and start cleaning up. But then I'm a little sleepy too after drinking the tea.

" Works every time "

Phew, got a little stuck there.



~ Mariko

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