[Samurai 1] Sprout the Samurai

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At least you aren't seeing dead Maegearicans everywhere.

"What did you even see?" Jay hesitantly questioned. "I heard that it makes people, what... see their worst fears?"

"Uh..." Your throat felt dry.

"If you still are not ready to talk about it, do not push yourself," Zane told you.

You nervously wrung your hands together. "...I don't know," You quietly said. "I'd like to talk about it, but it's... really scary-"

An alarm began to sound, cutting you off and nearly eliciting a shout of surprise out of you.

"Cold vision must've found something!" Nya immediately stood from the table and dashed out of the dining room.

The four ninja ran off after Nya, leaving you behind with Wu and Lloyd. You silently picked at your food. Despite not eating, you no longer felt hungry.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

"...No," You told your father. "The... The Venomari venom is..." You struggled to find the correct words in Ninjagoan. You wanted to say that it was terrifying, that you were so scared, you had believed that you could've died had the others not been there to protect you.

"You don't need to share if it is too painful," Wu spoke.

"No, I... I need to," You protested. "I don't understand my fear. I- I...." You grit your teeth and swallowed your fear. "I saw dead people instead of the Serpentine or the ninja."

Wu held an astonished, worried expression. "Dead... Ninjagoans?"

"Mae-" You had suddenly choked on stray, fearful tears, yet you shut your eyes and tried again. "Maegearicans. They- They were dead, but... also not. They looked like they just stood up after being dead for a long time, and... and I don't know why that scared me so much."


You and Wu both glanced towards Lloyd.

"What...?" You slowly questioned.

"That... kind of sounds like zombies," Lloyd nervously clarified. "They're basically dead people brought back to life in a bad way. Or, well," The boy offered a meek shrug, "that's how they're explained in this comic series I read."

"In a 'bad way?'" Wu had repeated in confusion.

"I don't... know if it's the same," Lloyd hesitantly continued, "but zombies are just... old corpses brought back to life by a disease or a parasite? They don't have souls or anything, and they just walk around and spread their disease to others..."

As Lloyd explained what a zombie was, you had slowly bristled in fear. Your grasp on your utensils felt tight. You had a striking moment of panic when Lloyd stated that they spread their strange disease to others.

Other living, healthy Maegearicans.

"...Why am I so scared of that...?" You could barely speak above a whisper. You swallowed and spoke up, "I don't get it... I've never seen or heard of anything like that before..." Why did you know what a "zombie" was? Did your mind simply make up something similar?

Or have you experienced something similar before?

"I am not sure," Wu honestly answered. "This is something I have not heard of before. I'm sorry."

"...It's okay," You could barely speak.

Not knowing the truth was more terrifying than the undead themselves.

Nya quietly returned to the room. "The ninja have headed off," She told you and the others. "If all goes good, they'll come back late tonight."

"I will clean up their leftovers," Wu stated. "(Y/n), you should get some rest."

go read the rewrite pleaseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora