Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

When I rounded the corner, I saw the classroom come into view but just like last week, Miss Dawson wasn't standing at the door to greet her students.

It made me wonder if she was here today.

But I didn't think about it much as I entered her classroom.

When I look around, I saw some students sitting at their desk as I sat down at mine. I sigh as I placed my textbook down and leaned back, staring at the board in front of the classroom.

After a few minutes, the bell rung and there was no sign of Miss Dawson. I heard someone say she was out again but the door to the classroom opened and she walked in.

She looks around and smiles at everyone before walking to her desk, placing her bag down. I saw her walk to the front of her desk, leaned on it and crossed her arms.

My eyes never left hers as she was looking around and that's when she met my eyes.

I could feel something as her eyes lingered on mine for a while before looking away and answering a question a student had.

"I was out sick last week. Thank you for your concern." She smiles. "I apologize and I understand we're behind schedule now, but don't worry."

We went through the lecture, but didn't do much. I was focused on her the whole time and she caught me staring a few times, but I never looked away.

I wasn't sure if I would stay in here after class, but I guess I'll figure that out.

Knowing that what was unsaid last week was surely coming back to surface was something hard to grasp. I didn't want to speak about it but it was going to cause a headache for the rest of the school year if I didn't just talk to her.

I needed so many answers and she did too.

Having your teacher like you, what would you expect to happen?

I wasn't even sure what to do or act.

As class went on, I was focused on Miss Dawson as she was leaning on her desk with a book in her hands. She was calling on people to answer a few questions and I was raising my hand every few times and that made her smile at me.

When the bell rung, I was watching everyone else leave as I was standing and grabbing my backpack. I look over at Miss Dawson as she was leaning on her desk, looking down at a paper before looking up and catching my eyes.

"You can stay in here."

After the last student left, I sat down at my desk and slung my backpack on the floor. I saw Miss Dawson cross her arms before looking at me and in this moment, I wasn't sure what to expect.

"I'm sorry about last week, Kai. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable but I just needed to get that off my chest." She sighs. "I can't wrap my head around this but like I said before.. I admire you so much."

I kept watching her for a moment as she was looking at me, not saying anything but the silence was definitely there.

As I placed my elbow on the desk and leaned my chin in it, I kept thinking a little too hard. I didn't know how to act in this situation and I was trying to understand all of this.

After a moment, she leans away from her desk and walks towards mine before crouching down next to me. I look over at her as she was looking down before placing her hand on my knee, then met my eyes after a moment.

"Can I tell you something?" She asks. I kept looking at her before nodding and seeing her look down then back up, meeting my eyes. "Creo que eres muy especial."

That made me smile as she smiled back before standing up.

My cheeks turned red and I heard her chuckle as she walks to her desk.

"Kai, I don't want this ruining our friendship. I don't want things being weird between us."

"I understand."

She smiles before leaning on her desk and sighing, looking down at the floor. I kept my eyes on her for a moment as I lean back and look around the room.

After a moment, she walks towards me and holds out her hand towards me. I stare at her for a moment before grabbing her hand and being pulled up from my desk and following her to the space next to her desk.

She spins me around as she smiles before pulling me back towards her. I felt her hand on my lower back and her other hand was holding onto mine as our bodies were close.

"There's no music playing." I said as we were dancing to silence.

"So?" She smiles before spinning me around and pulling me back towards her, which made me smile as we were close again.

After a moment, I let every single thought escape my mind and I enjoyed this moment with a woman I never imagined crushing over. I couldn't help but smile as she was dancing then pulling me back to her.

She was singing to me in Spanish and I smiled as we were dancing. I kept up with her rhythm as we were starting to move a little faster and our feet were moving together.

When she spun me again, I spun a little too fast and ended up hitting heads with her. I chuckle as I rubbed my forehead and she pulls me towards her, looking my head over and smiling at me.

"I am so sorry, Kai." She rubs the spot and I stare at her for a moment as she looks back at me. I saw a slight smile on her face as we were really close to each other.

Then she gently holds the side of my neck before leaning closer to me and I did the same before feeling her lips touch mine, which made me hold her hips to hold her close to me.

It felt like the room was spinning and she pulls back before staring at me before moving away. I kept watching her as she runs her thumb over her bottom lip and walks past me.

I stood there for a moment before turning around and seeing her walk to her desk and sat on it for a moment before running her hand through her hair and making eye contact with me.

"I am.. so sorry, Kai. I.. can't believe I did that."

At this point, I knew she was regretting what she did and I completely understood her. I was regretting it as well and the silence in the room was loud as hell.

She crosses her arms and stares at the floor for what felt like hours as I knew this was going to continue to be silent so I walked to my desk and grabbed my backpack and textbook, not once looking up at her as I walked towards the door.

"Kai? Kai!"

I walked out and let the door shut behind me as I walked down the hallway, feeling my head spinning out of control as I was trying to process everything that's been happening the last few days.

This was stupid, right?

This whole crush thing and then having Miss Dawson telling me about her feelings. We kissed and now she's regretting it, but couldn't think about it before kissing me?

After I got to my car, I sat there and leaned my head on the steering wheel for a moment. I look at the time on my phone and saw that the bell was about to ring so I didn't really think much about it as I started my car and left the parking.

I decided to sit in the middle school parking lot and wait for Paisley.

Then go home and regret every fucking decision.

Miss Independent [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now