[ Chapter 13 : Blood Boiling ]

Start from the beginning

" Don't stand on ceremony " she said.

Mom stand properly and I followed, I look at the queen as she adjust her top that is messed up, I then realized.

" Oh god!, I am so sorry! " I cover my mouth and she smiles.

" It's alright " she said.

" My apologies Your Majesties, it won't happen again " mom said, I nod my head rapidly.

" Will never ever, and definitely will not grab your boobs again, they're nice by the way and uh squishy–. . .agh!. . .and I should shut up " I wince after mom step on my foot.

I bite my lip to endure the pain.

" Miss L/n, I thought you were unable to attend the banquet " the king said.

" I was but I thought to come and check on some errands " mom said.

" And this is. . . " The queen gestured to me.

" Our daughter " I felt an arm around my shoulder.

I look up and see Derek.

" Derek " I look back at the king and queen who has a confused face.

I see mom is as shock as I am when he said that.

" Daughter? " The queen asked.

" It's a long story, and personal love life " Derek said.

" Oh, very well then, pardon us but we have some matters to attend to " she said and we step away from each other as they walk pass us with our heads low.

They walk away and I see miss Layla and Mrs. Zvahl with the student behind them jaws dropped.

~ Time Skip ~

" No frostbites, no symptoms of a cold, I'd say your alright " Vaeril put down my hands and I smile.

" She's lucky I was there " mom said.

" Thank you Mr. Faera " Layla said and he smiles.

" Got any candy? " I look at Elvenia who's over my shoulder.

Vaeril chuckles and takes out a candy and one lollipop for me.

" Thank you " I said and he packs up his stuff.

" Made a warm hot cocoa for you " he grabs the mug of a brown hot mixture inside.

" What's cocoa? " I asked and take the mug and whiff it.

I got a sweet scent of chocolate?

" It's chocolate " Layla said.

" You can make chocolate into a drink? " I asked then take a sip.

" This is amazing " I said and drink more.

" Seems like you have some more learning to do " mom said.

Vaeril leaves this faculty room and I put away my lollipop in my pocket.

" Well the whole school now knows that your a noble " Derek said and I roll my eyes.

" No thanks to you, dickhead " I said.

" Language " mom said.

" You curse, why can't I? " I asked.

" Okay, that's a free pass " she said, I smile.

" See Derek?, mom's better than you " I said.

" You should start calling him dad " Layla said.

" Hell no! " I said.

" It'll grow on you " Derek said and sit down on his chair and take out his book.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now