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(   THE   .   GRABBER.   )

"this sucks so much" emmett muttered sitting against the wall right beside the mattress. from his right, robin snored slightly, the boy had been asleep for around two hours and emmett was beginning to get annoyed by it. "how can he sleep this long?" baseball asked, bored out of his mind. "one of you should try calling" emmett said, and baseball nodded, immediately dialing. the group of ghosts waited, watching robin, who didn't so much as stir. "is the fucker even alive?" vance asked, glaring down at robin. "yes! and why are you looking at him as if you wanna murder him?!" emmett asked, eyeing vance weirdly. vance only muttered something but it was too low for emmett to hear, which left him confused as vance walked to lean against the wall.

"he can't hear it" baseball frowned as he hung up. "well, why could vance hear em?" paperboy asked, looking between the two. "maybe they're connected" shortstack offered but emmett only shook his head. "but we've never met before" he said, which earned him a look from vance. "we did" he said, which caused emmett to look at him confused. "we did?"

"yeah. you bumped into my pinball machine. made me lose" vance said, glaring at emmett. "oh" he muttered, trying to remember. "and you didn't beat him up?!" baseball asked in shock and vance only shook his head. "his face already looked pretty beaten up, besides, he gave me money for a couple new rounds." he said, which caused emmett to raise a brow. "is that where my twenty dollars went?" he asked, causing vance to nod with a smirk on his face.

"fuck you. i thought i lost that" emmett said, rolling his eyes at vance. "maybe since you two met, you're like connected somehow" paperboy shrugged and emmett frowned. "then i'm connected to robin" he said, eyeing the phone with a skeptical look in his eyes. "then he'll hear it ring if you call" shortstack said and motioned for emmett to call.

so yeah, emmy and vance have met before but it was v brief.
i already know vance was starstruck once he saw emmy bcs i know i would be😍
also, double update bcs im so bored (slay)

the grabber   ,   the black phone ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now