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(   THE   .   GRABBER.   )

"that's a hideous shirt!" emmett exclaimed as he eyed the grabber, who fixed the hole that vance had left in the wall. "why would he willingly wear that?" shortstack grimaced as they all looked at the bright orange shirt the grabber wore. "look." emmett stood and walked towards the phone, dialing. he snickered as the grabber flinched and slowly turned at the sound of it. "it's not real." he muttered to himself, walking up to it and picking it up, only to hang it back up immediately. emmett called again, smirking as the grabber grunted in annoyance and this time placed the phone to his ear. "hello?" he asked and emmett deepened his voice. "you're going to hell" he said, watching as the grabber's eyes widened. he slammed the phone into the receiver and booked it out of there, running upstairs.

"did you see him?!" emmett laughed as baseball grinned up at him. "holy shit!" vance laughed out as emmett stood on the mattress, jumping up and down childishly. "honestly what he gets for wearing such an ugly shirt" emmett said, grinning at shortstack, who smiled in the corner. "he's crying" he said and emmett gasped in disbelief. "no way!" paperboy leaned closer to shortstack in interest. "is he really?" he muttered, watching as shortstack nodded. "the phone really freaks him out" he said, nodding over to it as vance nodded.

vance had only been dead for around two weeks or so. he, like emmett, had not forgotten his name yet and chose to brood in the corner a few days after being dead. he eventually stopped brooding as emmett would bother him so much. emmett had questioned him on so many things. being a ghost could be boring, especially when you're limited on ghost friends. vance had reluctantly gave in and answered his questions, glaring at him as he was asked what shampoo he used. "none of your fucking business" he had answered to that, which caused emmett to raise his hands in mock surrender, "well shit, sorry for asking" he said, rolling his eyes.

and that was that. emmett would question vance and vance would sometimes do the same, even asking the others questions aswell.

ngl i might include some stuff like this, them making fun of the grabber and like bonding and talking and all that yk?
make the book a bit happier or something idk also holy shit why am i like this by orla gartland started playing like rn and i am feeling like writing angst all of a sudden omg.
(why'd i switch up so fast omg)

the grabber   ,   the black phone ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now