" Me, noble?, Yeah right " I said and snatch back my bracelet.

" Why not?, It could be possible " she said.

" How so? " I asked.

" They do have a missing daughter, an incident occurred almost two decades ago, considering your age there's a possibility " she said.

" You really think so? " I asked.

" They're invited to the banquet tomorrow, we could find out " she said.

" I'm not invited, I can't go " I said.

" But you do want to know " Derek said, I chuckle.

" Now you two just want me to lose hope, but no thank you " I get off my stool as I put my bracelet on the table.

" If that's what you want, could've just asked right from the beginning, now if you'll excuse me, I want to go to sleep " I walk away.

" Your willing to give up just like that?, After all these years, you could get out of that life you know " I look over my shoulder to Derek.

" Unlike you I'm glad I'm not as spoiled as other nobles " I said.

" And maybe they'll pay off your debt " he smiles.

I roll my eyes and walk away.

~ Time Skip ~

" Y/n, wake up " I hum as I feel the tip of my nose being shaken.

" What? " I asked and turn to a comfortable position.

" Wake up, your dress is here " she said.

" What?, What dress? " I open one eyes and see Elvenia flying in front of me giggling.

" Your dress to go to the banquet, duh " she said.

I furrow my eyebrows and open my eyes tiredly to see a mannequin with a dress on it. (Pic above)

" That's just a better version of the school uniform which is bullshit because I'm not going to the palace, and there's no classes today so, I'm gonna go back to sleep thinking this is a dream " I close my eyes.

" Oh come on!, It's the palace! " She said and I hear her struggling.

I open my eyes again to see her pulling the curtains.

" So he's behind this and I will be a secretary today " I said.

" Miss Layla agreed " she said and got the curtains open.

" Ugh, fine " I sit up and stretch my arms.

" Yay! "

I got of the bed and clean myself up more, Elvenia help me put on the dress and I sit down on my vanity table where I look at the mirror. I brush my hair straight and out the brush down while Elvenia does my hair, I look down and notice my bracelet.

I pick it up and hold it in both hands.

" Hey Elvenia " I said.

" Yes? " She asked as I gaze at my bracelet.

" Do you think I belong in a prestige family? " I asked.

" Well, you got magic that makes you immune to magic, I'd say probably " she said, I snicker.

" Your just trying to make me feel better " I said.

" Do you not want to? " She asked, I chuckle.

" Of course I do " I said and put it on.

" I really appreciate what you did last night " she said.

" No problem " I said.

" Really Y/n, you didn't have to but you did it anyways " she said.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя