[ Chapter 9 : Curfew ]

Start from the beginning

" Hey, we're fine, relax, we'll be back before midnight " I said.

I skip down the street of entertainment and see other people enjoying it, my eyes look around for a specific shop to when I look behind and notice the school is no where to be seen.

" You know the way back right? " I look at Elvenia and she sighs with a nod.

" Enjoy yourself " she said, I smile.

I giggle in excitement.

~ Time Skip ~

I bite my apple and move my head to the melody of this song playing by the musician band.

" I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know, where I'm losing all control, 'cause there's magic in my bones~ " I sing along.

" This music is cool, what do you think? " I look down at my shoulder to Elvenia.

" I'd say it's a simple pop street music, I might have heard it a few times in the past " she said.

I finish my apple and toss it as I walk away.

" We've been out for thirty minutes and there's still so much to know about the city " I said.

" It's a big city after all, but you can't let the negative side go over your head " she said.

" If you say that, then we'll definitely come across it " I said.

" By the way, where'd you get all this money? " She asked.

" When I owe Derek seven hundred risterals, means I'm not that broke " I said, she chuckle.

" True " she said.

I then come across a man selling small cute cakes that looks like animals, Elvenia gasp.

" Moon cakes! " She said.

" Wanna rest and take a bite? " I asked, she nods.

I see an empty table next to me, I pick her up and lower my hand, she jumps off.

" Wait here " I said then walk away.

I walk up to the man.

" Hello " I said.

" Good evening miss, would you like some moon cakes? " He gestures to the small square cakes displayed.

" I'll have this and that " I pointed.

" Seven risterals " he said.

I take out my coins as I see him wrapping it up in a rectangular shape perfectly then tie it up with a string.

" Here you go " he pass it to me and I pay him.

" Thank you " I said then walk off back to the table.

" I got em', let's head back before we get caught and have it in our room " I look up and see Elvenia not on the table where she should be.

" Elvenia? " I turn around to another table thinking I'd be mistaken.

She's not anywhere.

" Elvenia! " I call out and see she's nowhere.

Oh no, I don't know these streets very well, she's my only guide, I drop the moon cakes and run off down the street to the left. I look up and down the place to see if I can find her.

" Elvenia?! " I call out again.

I stand here then turn my attention to my right where I hear laughter and a golden light ball. It's an alleyway and I squint my eyes as I walk in cautiously, I can see three figures of a man holding a lantern.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now