Chapter 19: Greek History: A Journey Through the Years

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Gods remember when I was able to update like once a week? Good times.

Enjoy my dudes!


"She knew things that only I knew. Things I haven't told anyone. I- I don't know how. It's like she could see through me. Like, in my head."

"I'll be back," Annabeth said, and went straight towards the library.


 Annabeth slammed yet another book onto her table in the corner of the library. Was she at the exact same table that she used to research horcruxes with Draco? Yes. Yes she was. 

With every book she opened, and every new page she turned, an old memory would spring loose from her mind.

"Aren't you dyslexic?"

Annabeth turned around to find Ron standing behind her.


Ron's face continued to look puzzled, as he attempted to understand what was happening. After a few seconds of Annabeth not helping him out, he dropped it, and pulled out a chair across from her to sit down in.

"What're you looking for?"


"Hermione's looking for that too. You guys could look together."

Annabeth looked back up, only to see an empty chair in front of her in the the Hogwarts' library.

She frowned. Annabeth could've sworn he was just there...?

Closing her eyes, she closed the book and pushed it away from her. Opening them, she grabbed another book at random, and flipped to the table of contents.

Annabeth groaned, apparently a bit too loudly, seeing as the kids a few desks away sent her a look. She nearly laughed at the horror on their faces when they realized A) they almost shushed a professor, and B) they almost shushed Professor Jackson- Chase

It was nearly midnight, and Annabeth had gone through almost every book she could possibly think of in the library-- including the restricted section. 

Then again, she was exhausted and was practically just flipping through pages at random. For all she knew, she already passed her answer with a yawn and an eye roll. 

The next book she opened? Greek History: A Journey Through the Years, by Albert A. Smith. It was that book, Chapter 17, page 237, that she found the title: Greek Legends

Now, unlike Albert A. Smith, Annabeth knew these weren't legends. However, that didn't mean the information still couldn't be there. For all she knew, Smith could've been a demigod (even though she highly doubted it).

The next 623 pages consisted of very detailed explanations and descriptions of gods and goddesses- some of which she hadn't even heard before. 

"Nike?" Percy's voice echoed in Annabeth's head. "Like the shoe brand?" Annabeth looked up from her spot on the bench of the Argo II.

"No, stupid. The Goddess," She answered, looking back down to her book.

"What if I just like, say I prefer Adidas? Would that work?"

At 2:49am, half asleep into her arm, drool on the side of her mouth, did she come across the next goddess: Psyche. 

According to the book, Psyche was the Goddess of the Soul. The Oracle of Delphi instructed her father to leave her to die due to her beauty (which Annabeth found incredibly sexist and misogynistic, and what, just cause she was "prettier than Aphrodite herself" she had to die?) Anyways, Eros saved her or whatever and she had to go through Trials (Annabeth skipped this part because she was soo tired) and then her and Eros got married, blah blah blah.

What got Annabeth's attention, was one very, small thing: Psyche's symbol.

What was the Goddess' symbol? Two butterfly wings.

What was one thing that Percy continued to tell her about the woman in his dreams? She had two butterfly wings' shadows. 

Then, in typical Annabeth Jackson- Chase fashion, another problem sprung up.

What did Psyche, the Goddess of the Soul, want with Percy?


Seeing a dark shadowed person looming over him at 3 in the morning, scared Percy shitless. Within a split second, Percy grabbed his wand in one hand, and had Riptide fully extended in sword form in the other. Within the other half of the second, the glow from Riptide's blade illuminated the person in front of him.

Annabeth watched as Percy went from full blown panic and ready for a fight, to incredibly drowsy and all weapons discarded.

Percy's heart continued racing as he stared at Annabeth. Before he could even get a word out she said, "Psyche."

However, in Percy's exhausted state of mind, he heard her say psych, not psyche

"A prank?" His tired voice asked. "Really? Annie I thought we were past this. I'm sorry for that time I woke you up in the Athena cabin claiming there was a spider."

"No Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Psych-ee. She's a goddess."

Still half asleep, Percy reached his arm towards the night table next to him, and fumbled around trying to find the switch to turn on the lamp. After nearly knocking it over, he turned it on, practically blinding himself in the process. 

Blinking a few times and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he stared at Annabeth-- who had a very manic gleam in her eyes-- still incredibly confused. "What?"

Annabeth sighed. "The goddess? That you see in your dreams? It's Psyche, the Goddess of the Soul."


Annabeth groaned at Percy's inability to grasp this simple fact. "Yes."

"Huh," He said. Annabeth waited for him to say more, but he didn't. "'Night." She watched in shock and frustration as he turned off the light, and rolled over in bed.

Annabeth switched the light back on, earning a groan from Percy.

"Uh, Perce, if you haven't noticed, we're a bit on a time crunch here."

"Are we?" Percy's muffled voice asked through his pillow. He rolled over, looking at her. "We don't have a prophecy, and technically, I haven't been threatened yet. So really if we think about it- this is a tomorrow's problem."

"Gods, Percy, it's always a 'tomorrow's problem'."

"Mhm. And Present Me thanks Future Me in advance for taking care of his problems."

"You're a grouch y'know, when you get woken up. Like a baby."

Percy gave a sleepy laugh. "Yeah, I know."

"Fine. I'll let you sleep. But tomorrow, I expect a basket thanking me for my research tonight, an apology letter, and your full attention with solving this."

Percy smiled. "Wise Girl, I'll get you fifty baskets and a million letters. Just please, go to sleep. You need it just as much as I do, if not more."

Annabeth huffed. "Okay." Not even caring about changing into her pajamas, she turned off the light, and as soon as Percy scooted over to the other side of the bed, she crawled right in next to him.

"Better be a damn good fruit basket, Jackson."

Percy rolled over so he was face to face with her. "That's Mr. Jackson- Chase, to you... Mrs. Jackson- Chase."



I need to note that I 100% made up that book so um, if it actually does exist, please don't come at me that is just a scary coincidence. 

Hidden Wisdom and Wizards || PJO x HPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora