Chapter 6: Samantha

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"What was that?" Annabeth demanded, getting up from tackling Percy to the floor. 

"How would I know?" Harry said, staring in part horror at Percy.

Annabeth sighed, "I've only seen something like this once... But it's not possible because of the camp's barrier."

"So, it would have to be a magic thing then?"

Annabeth stood up. "Either that, or Seaweed Brain over here managed to get cursed... again."


Annabeth and Harry sat on foldable plastic chairs, staring in silence at a frozen Percy.

"So, how long does that normally last?" She asked, nodding towards Harry's wand. 

The wizard shrugged. "To be honest, I've got no idea. Usually we don't wait around for the person to wake up."

Annabeth snorted, "Why didn't you like, I don't know, knock him out or something?" Harry's cheeks flushed red as he looked down at his shoes. Annabeth's mouth up-ticked into a small, teasing smirk. "You don't know how, do you?" Harry's response was to continuing staring down at his shoes. 

Annabeth was having a field day learning that Mr. Harry "Defeater of Voldemort, Boy Who Lived, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts" Potter, did not know a simple spell for knocking someone out. Cause she liked the guy, but learning that he probably knew about three spells did immense wonders for her pride. 

Okay, fine, he probably knew way more than three; but to be fair, she has only seen him use two- and she was being nice by guessing he knew less than five. 


The demigod snapped out of her thoughts, turning her attention to Harry. "What?"

"I asked how you felt about going to Hogwarts now? With Percy?"

Annabeth stared at Percy, debating. On one hand, her husband has made an astronomical amount of enemies within their demigod world; any of which could have caused him to, well, whatever it was that happened to him. On the other hand, he made new enemies in the wizarding world, thanks to his heritage. 

That first hand has no support for him. The gods are MIA, the oracle is on prophecy sabbatical, and Nico, Leo, Will, and Thalia are taking what they call 'a well needed leave of absence from (Thalia's words) the Gods' bullshit.' 

The second hand, however, has practically all of Hogwarts and their magicky whatever stuff at their disposal- not to mention the fact that greek monsters can't get to them within Hogwarts' borders. 

Annabeth made eye contact with Harry. "Let's do it before Seaweed Brain here wakes up."

Harry nodded, standing up and bending down towards Percy. "Right then. Um, just make sure to hold my hand," Harry said, grabbing hold of Percy's floppy hand. "Make sure not to let go. The uh, the last time Percy apparated he nearly lost his arm."

Annabeth was nodding along until what he just said processed in her brain. "He what?" She shrieked. 

"He's fine now," Harry said, taking out his wand.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping from her mouth. "Well, clearly he's fine now."


It took Annabeth everything she had in her not to throw up once they landed on Hogwarts grounds. She was fairly certain she's apparated before, but with everything that's happened, she's been having trouble telling reality from fiction. 

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