Author's Note

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Hello my fellow demigods and wizards :)

Welcome to the sequel in the Wisdom and Wizards series: Hidden Wisdom and Wizards 

First off, I would like to start with the disclaimers: I do not own Percy Jackson and co.- those rights go to Rick Riordan. I do not own Harry Potter and co.- those rights go to J.K. Rowling. 

Plot is mine, so please don't copy

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, actual important things to note about this story.

It is a sequel. 

If you have not read Saving Wisdom and Wizards, save this story to your library/ reading list/ whatever, go read that story, then come back.

Second, there are spoilers in this story!! This story roughly takes places after Deathly Hallows, and during Trials of Apollo. I say roughly, because it will not follow those plots.

They are just a baseline for the story. 

Third, the updating schedule is going to be very sporadic. I will try super hard to get a chapter out at least every two weeks, but I've got like zero time to write. 

But do not despair! I will not abandon you my bros, and I will continue this story. 

Finally, I want to end off with a thank you!! Thanks for sticking with this series and I hope you enjoy the story as much as I love writing it!

As always, feel free to vote on chapters; comment suggestions, ideas, questions, whatever. 

Love y'all :)


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