Chapter 1: Library

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"Ron, where did you put all of the Care of Magical Creatures books?" Hermione shouted. She was currently balancing on a ladder at the top of the ceiling high bookcase. 

Ron looked around him. "Uh... next to the dark arts books?" 

"Next to the dark arts books?" She shrieked. "Why? What part of you went 'let me just throw these next to those?' Not to mention: which dark arts books?"

He groaned. "I'll just send them up." With a careless wave of his wand, the piles of Care of Magical Creatures floated up to Hermione who organized them into the shelf with ease. 

 "Okay, now I need-"

Ron interrupted her. "Can't you just come down and do this? Why do you have to be all the way up there?"

Hermione attempted to look over to him, but all she could see were massive piles of books. "Because I have to make sure they're all in the right order," She yelled back.

"Can we take a break?" 

Hermione glared at him, even though she knew he couldn't see her. "Ron there's so much more work to be done!"

"Yeah, but 'Mione we've been at this all morning."

"If Harry bothered to show up, we'd be done sooner. But instead-"

"Instead he's snogging my sister," Ron grumbled.

"No, Ron, instead he's helping rebuild the Great Hall."

"Yeah, in between snogging Ginny."

Hermione sighed climbing down the latter. "Ron, they've been together all summer. When are you going to get over this?"

"Once Ginny realizes that she can do better than Harry," Ron retorted, crossing his arms.

She weaved in and out of broken bookcases to find Ron glaring at the ground. "Harry's our friend. I happen to think he's perfectly fine for Ginny."

Ron shook his head. "Nuh uh. No way."

She sighed again, taking a seat next to him. Leaning her head on Ron's shoulder, she said, "I don't think Hogwarts is going to be ready in time for the fall."

"I do."

Sitting up she looked at her boyfriend. "How? There's so much left to fix and get ready. As well as finding professors! There won't be enough for the students- the students might not even want to come back after last year..."

"They will. It's Hogwarts. And I happen to know a perfectly good professor right here," Ron grinned.

Hermione smiled. "I do suppose it would be fun to teach new students. But I never finished my seventh year! I wouldn't be qualified."

Ron stared at her in disbelief. "Are you serious? 'Mione, you're the most powerful witch in the world! You know way more than seventh years. McGonagall would love to have you."

"Well if I'm a professor, you will be too."

"What? No way."

"Yes way."

"'Mione what would I even teach?"

"Anything you wanted. You could probably even make your own course!"

Ron groaned. "Sounds like torture."

Hermione laughed. "Organizing the library with you is torture."

Ron jumped up. "Does that mean I can go?" He asked excitedly.

"Absolutely not. There is way too much work to be done to stop now. Come on, Ron. Let's go take a field trip to the other side of the library."

Without another word, Hermione started for the opposite end of the library, with a groaning Ron in tow. 


"Harry, Hermione is going to murder you," Ginny giggled.

"Only if she finds out," He whispered back.

They both stared at a first edition Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them

"This needs to go back in the library. More importantly, the restricted section."

"Restricted to who?" Harry said, flipping through the pages. "Students read this book in their third year. Why would this one be restricted?"

Ginny threw her arms up. "I don't know! But that's where it came from."

Harry mumbled something that she couldn't make out, as he aggressively turned to the middle of the book. 

"Harry, be careful!" Ginny said. 

"Relax! It's a book. What's the worst that could-" Harry abruptly stopped at the sound of ripping. Ginny stared at the ripped corner of a page in his hand. "Don't. Say. It."

A look of innocence came upon Ginny's face as she smiled sweetly. "Say what?"

Harry gave a small glare. "Reparo," He mumbled.

Ginny stifled a laugh when she watched the small rip mend itself. "C'mon. We should head to the library and help them out. Merlin knows Ron is loosing his mind."

Harry laughed. "I'd be surprised if he's even awake when we get there."

Together, Ginny and Harry walked hand in hand out of the partially mended Great Hall.

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