Chapter 20: Aguamenti

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Not me having to re-read the last few chapters cause it'd been a while and I totally forgot the direction I wanted for the story :/

Also, so sorry it's been like a month. School started back up again, and I severely misjudged how much time I'd have to do things other than work and sports. 


Annabeth sighed. "The goddess? That you see in your dreams? It's Psyche, the Goddess of the Soul."

"Huh," Percy said. "Night." 

"Fine. I'll let you sleep," Annabeth said. "But tomorrow, I expect a basket thanking me for my research tonight, an apology letter, and your full attention with solving this."


"Rise and shine, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth yelled, yanking the blankets off of Percy.

Not even a second of being exposed to the freezing air in the bedroom, did Percy jump up, pointing Riptide at Annabeth's throat. 

Percy's heart raced. As he panted, he took a minute to wake his sleeping brain up and process what was going on.

In the meantime, Annabeth stared at him unamused. 

"Now I know why Coach was always grumpy when we woke him up," Percy mumbled.

Annabeth sighed, a small smile on her face. "Y'know, in old age, I'd hoped you be like Chiron... wise, talk first- fight later... but no. I married a Coach Hedge."

Now it was Percy's turn to be unamused, "Ha, ha. Funny." As he turned around to put on a shirt from the ground, he saw Annabeth smirk at his response out of the corner of his eye. 

Halfway through putting his shirt on, he asked, "What day is it?" Before pulling it fully over his head.

"It's... Sunday? Saturday? Schist! Is it Monday?" Annabeth said back, a new panic on her face.

"I don't know! That's why I asked you!"


It was in fact Monday. 

Percy rushed into his class-- his robe hung over his shoulder, his tie haphazardly hanging from his neck-- and profusely apologized to his class for being exactly twenty-seven minutes late. 

After apologizing, and throwing all of his stuff on his desk, he turned to face the classroom of exactly one student.

Percy sighed. To be honest, he would've been more surprised if there was a classroom full of students when he entered. 

He supposed by student views, he was by far the favorite professor, with Annabeth as well. By Hermione and McGonagall views... he would be shocked if he was still employed... if that's what this even is. 

However, the thing that surprised him the absolute least, was Samantha sitting in the front row, dead center, right in front of his desk. 

Percy cleared his throat and acknowledged her. "Morning, Ms. Green."

For 7:27 in the morning, this child was way to cheery. Grinning, she answered back, "Good morning Professor Jackson- Chase!"

Percy grimaced, behind a tight lipped smile. "I see you stayed here in class?" He asked, gesturing around the empty room. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave right now, you'd be fully excused."

A look of horror crossed the young witch's face. "What? No! I came here to learn, professor. And besides, if it's just you and me, then you won't have any pressure to teach things according to the class syllabus."

"This class has a syllabus?"

Samantha didn't even answer his question, as she was too busy grabbing a book out of her bag, and placing it on her desk-- next to the perfectly laid out quill and parchment.

"I know we should be learning how to cast away boggarts... but that is so pre-battle of Hogwarts. So instead, I prepared a list of spells that we could work on that actually matter."

With each word out of Samantha's mouth, Percy's brows became even more furrowed. 

"Do you," He cleared his throat, "Do you carry that with you all the time?"

Samantha's face froze a second, then returned to her normal grinning face. "Mm-hmm. Never know when it will be needed."

Or when your professor is late, Percy thought. 

"Well, gold star for preparedness," He said. Percy quickly glanced down at his watch-- still 43 minutes left of the class' scheduled time. Inwardly groaning, he looked back towards Samantha (who had never stopped staring at him). "Mind if I see that?" 

Samantha nodded giddily as she handed over the parchment full of spells. 

Percy read down the list. 


Aguamenti: create a clean, drinkable stream of water from wand

Alarte Ascendare: Shoots target high into air

Aqua Eructo: create and control jet stream of water from wand

Arresto Momentum: decreases velocity of moving target

Avenseguim: turns object into tracking device


Percy briefly closed his eyes. "How many are there?" He asked, skimming the rest of the parchment, then flipping it over to see the back entirely covered. 

Samantha reached back into her bag and took out two more papers. "One hundred and sixty-seven," She responded. 

Percy blew out a big breath. "Wow, that's... a lot."

"I know! Cool, right? So I was thinking we could start with-"

"How about," Percy interrupted, looking over the first few spells, "We start with aguamenti." Face still directed towards the paper, his eyes glanced towards her to see a look of frustration.

However, her words betrayed her face when she happily responded with, "Okay!" 

Percy wasn't stupid. He knew she was hiding something. Because honestly, what did a twelve year old need with a spell that turns things into trackers?

Besides, he was biased. He liked water, and if anything went south during this, he could easily deflect it. 

"Right, so. Uh- to start, we're going to-"

He didn't even get a chance to finish before a strong jet stream of water hit him directly in the chest, knocking him backwards onto the ground. 

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" Samantha exclaimed (in what Percy felt was incredibly fake) worry, as she ran over and crouched down next to him. 

Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to stay wet, and pretended that the water knocked the air out of him and did not whatsoever do the opposite and give him insanely large amounts of energy. 

He grunted and sat up. "It's alright. We're just gonna have to take things a bit slower...and listen to directions, yeah?"

At least Samantha had the brain cells to look ashamed. "Right. Yeah. Sorry Professor."

Percy nodded, with a small smile and stood up. Randomly waving his wand around, he willed himself to dry, pretending he used some spell. 

Luckily for him, Samantha decided interrogating him on that wasn't worth her time. 

"Um, actually, Professor, if it's alright, I think I'll just take the rest of class off."

Percy sent her a sideways look. "Are you sure? The spell wasn't that bad. I mean, you got it. You've just gotta learn how to control it and not soak people in a twenty foot radius."

Samantha smiled. "Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks, Professor." She then packed up her stuff and promptly left class-- leaving Percy standing in the middle of the room in utter suspicious confusion. 

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