Chapter 5: Again

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Hermione sighed, "We should contact Percy and Annabeth- let them know. They'd have a better idea on how this could be possible than we would."

Harry nodded. "I'll tell them... apparate to their camp, find them, be back before you know it."


"Reyna wants to talk to you," Nico said.

Percy turned to Annabeth. "We should probably get going and take a break from knife hunting."

"Yeah, yeah you're right."


Percy and Annabeth walked into Reyna on their way to see, well, Reyna. 

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming," She said.

Percy turned to glare back at Nico who smiled sheepishly. Rubbing the back of his head Nico defended, "I may have gotten a bit distracted on my way to you."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "Doing what?"

Nico's face turned a deep red. "Nothing."

"This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with Will visiting for a few days... would it?" Annabeth teased.

If it was possible, Nico blushed harder. Not even bothering to answer, he shadow travelled away. 

Percy, Annabeth, and Reyna burst out laughing. "They're so cute together," Reyna cooed. 

Annabeth nodded. 

"Not to uh, change subjects," Percy interrupted, "But why did you wanna see us?"

Reyna blew a piece of hair out of her face, before redoing her ponytail. 

Annabeth and Percy exchanged anxious glances.

"Please Gods, don't be another prophecy," Percy muttered, loud enough for Reyna and Annabeth to hear. 

"It's not."

"Oh thank Gods," Annabeth sighed. 

"It's just some kid wanting to see you."

Percy and Annabeth exchanged another look.

"A kid?"

Reyna nodded. "Yeah, he uh, said his name was Harry Potter?"

Annabeth's eyes widened, and Percy's face paled a few shades. 


Reyna walked the two demigods into her office, where they saw a nervous Harry staring between Reyna's two mechanical dogs.

"Harry!" Annabeth exclaimed, before going over and hugging him. 

He hugged back, before turning and smiling at Percy.

"Hey dude," Percy said, slightly less enthusiastically (earning a solid elbow hit from Annabeth).

"What are you doing here?" She asked, before pausing and raising an eyebrow. "How did you know to come here?" 

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I originally went to your other camp and found Nico and Will... they said you'd be here- Nico brought me."

Percy groaned, turning to Annabeth. "We need to teach him how to convey information." 

Annabeth chuckled. Seeing Harry's flushed face she said, "He's talking about Nico. He gave us next to to nothing about what was happening."

Percy nodded. "I believe his only words were: Reyna wants to talk to you," He quoted to Harry. 

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