Chapter 17: Spaghetti Sauce

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Irrelevant to the story, but I'd like to share this interaction between my sister and I:

Me: I think I'm asexual??

Sis: I could've told you that like four years ago

Sis: You just don't look like a lesbian

Me: i-

Anyways, that's all. This was supposed to be updated a few days ago, but um, yeah. Enjoy. Sorry for the wait. 


"Professor Jackson- Chase?"

 "Yes, Samantha?" Percy asked the Hufflepuff. 

"I was wondering if today we could learn offensive spells."

He sighed. "Is there any particular reason that you're adamant on learning offensive actions?"

When Samantha Green didn't answer right away, a small pit of oh no formed in his stomach.

"Just curious is all, sir."


At the end of the day, Percy couldn't shake off that feeling. The feeling of something being wrong. The feeling that he was being watched. Needless to say, Percy was uncharacteristically paranoid when he and Annabeth sat down for dinner. 


The demigod turned wizard professor looked up in a daze, and stopped twirling the spaghetti on his fork. "Huh?"

"She asked you a question stupid," Jason said from across him. Percy stared as Jason copied him, and spun his spaghetti around before shoving it all in his mouth. 

"I asked," Annabeth said, glancing over to the empty seat across from Percy, "How your classes were."

"Oh." Percy continued to look over at Jason. Noticing that his deceased friend had sauce on the corner of his mouth he said, "You um, you have a little..." Percy rubbed the corner of his mouth to show.

Jason's eyebrows furrowed. "Oh!" He wiped off the sauce. "Thanks, bro."

"Who's it this time?" Annabeth asked, watching what was somehow, not the weirdest thing she's seen. 

"Jason," Percy answered offhandedly. "He had spaghetti sauce on his mouth."

"Right, yeah. Of course. Silly me."

Percy knew she was being sarcastic, but at the moment he didn't really care.

"Really? Just spaghetti sauce, Percy?" Jason questioned him, causing the demigod to look over. What Percy came face to face with horrified him. What used to be a small bit of sauce on his lip, because an openly bleeding gash, followed by blood running down the side of his face. 

Percy's heart began to rush. Frantically he squeezed his eyes closed and practiced the breathing methods him and Annabeth had started working on. One, two, three...

He opened his eyes, and in front of him, sat an empty seat. 

He glanced to his side to see Annabeth gazing at him with clear worry in her eyes. Percy chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "He uh," Percy cleared his throat, "Um, choked... on a... meatball."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow, which clearly meant to say: Do you think I'm an idiot?

Percy looked down at his plate. He continued to move around the spaghetti, his appetite lessoned after Jason. He continued to do this until Annabeth spoke up from beside him. 

"You know, I was thinking-"

"Hey guys!" Ron exclaimed, from the aisle a few seats down. He rushed up to them, with a large grin on his face. 

"Thinking?" Percy prompted, to which Annabeth just shook her head, with a slight nod to Ron. Percy nodded and moved his food around some more.

"Hey, Ron," Annabeth greeted. 

"How've you lot been? It's been so bloody long since we've seen each other, yeah?"

Annabeth gave a slightly forced chuckle, determined not to ruin Ron's good mood. "Yeah, it has been, huh? Guess we've been busy," She laughed.

Ron grinned. "Tell me about it! It's exhausting teaching. Not to mention, Hermione is freaked out, which is clearly freaking out Harry, and he's starting to rub off on me-"

"Wait, hold on," Annabeth cut him off. "Why's Hermione freaked?"

The color nearly drained from Ron's face, as he shut up and rubbed the back of his neck. "She can't find the Resurrection Stone."

Annabeth made an 'oh' face and nodded. "It can't have just disappeared, though. She must've misplaced it?" 

Ron shook his head. "Hermione doesn't misplace things." He paused, before continuing in a lower voice, "She thinks someone's stolen it."

Annabeth feigned shock. After years of faking, she'd gotten really good at facial deception. "Who?" Ron shrugged. "It's just a rock, right now right? Like it's not a horcrux anymore?"

"She thinks cause it was one of the Deathly Hallows that it's still active."

"Great," Annabeth said sarcastically. "Just what we need, someone going around and dying then bringing themselves back."

"Yeah-" Pause- "Is uh, is Percy okay?" Ron asked, concern lacing his voice. Annabeth turned to face her husband, only to find him muttering nonsense, and staring at his pasta. 

She hesitantly put her hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump and bang his knee on the table. 

"Schist!" He yelled. Less than a second later, his eyes widened and he clamped his mouth shut. Percy anxiously glanced around, looking to see if anyone heard him. 

No one did. 

He turned to Annabeth with still wide eyes, and it was then, that he registered it was her hand on his shoulder. 

Looking at her, he spotted a familiar dude with red hair next to her. 

Rolling back his shoulders and letting out a deep breath he put on the facade of 'cool, chill, go with the flow'... which just so happened to be him circa sixteen years old. Oh how time flies. 

"Oh," Percy said, smile on his face. "Hey Ron. What's up?" Ron gave no answer. The confusion plastered on his face said enough. Not wanting to deal with more that night, Percy looked at his wrist, where his watch rested. "Well, would you look at the time. I'm gonna go to bed. Night guys."

"Wait, Percy-" Annabeth said, but didn't get a chance to finish before he rushed out of the dining hall. 

"So, I uh, I guess he's still not doing too great, huh?" Ron asked.

Annabeth sighed, "Yeah." She looked back to the entrance of the Great Hall, where Percy had left. "Yeah," She repeated. Whether for Ron, or herself, she didn't know. 

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