Chapter 10: Kinky

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Wow, okay, its been a hot second since I've updated. Things have been wack busy. But uh, update on the whole roomie thing-- turns out the guy she brought back that I ghosted is now her boyfriend 🤷‍♀️ He spent the night.

Um anyways... enjoy. 


He laughed when Annabeth punched his arm. She wasn't mad, though. She was happy. And for the first time, in a long time, she felt that small bit of hope.


Before they realized it, both demigods fell asleep, and somehow, neither one was awoken by dreams.

They were, however, awoken to the sound of hushed arguing.

"-Gonna wake them," Ron's voice whispered.

They heard Hermione harshly whisper back, "Don't you dare!" 

Both Annabeth and Percy continued keeping their eyes closed, opting to just listen silently and fake being asleep.

Percy felt the air move around him, sensing someone getting closer. He then heard the sound of someone slapping someone else, and an 'ow'.

Just then, a large crash came from the room, the sound of metal colliding with tile echoing throughout the hospital wing.

"Sorry!" Harry's voice called. Percy heard rushed footsteps stop in front of his cot. "They awake?"

Percy had to struggle hiding a scoff, and then smirk that was slowly forming on his face. 

"With you sounding like an elephant, I'd be surprised if they weren't," Hermione replied. "Now, come on. Let's let them rest."

"Honestly," Annabeth's voice spoke up, with her eyes still closed. Her face remained perfectly still as if she was sleeping. "I'd be surprised if I was still sleeping as well."

Hermione's eyebrows rose in shock, before giving a small smile. 

"Percy on the other hand..." Annabeth trailed off, opening her eyes.

"Is still sleeping," Percy finished. "Thanks for stopping by, leave a message after the beep." He continued to lie in the cot with his eyes shut, and paused for a bit. A couple seconds of silence later he said, "Beeeep."

Annabeth playfully smacked his stomach, causing a soft grunt. "Schist, sorry," She said.

Percy shrugged, lifting up his shirt, to find the stab wound healing into a soon to be fashionable scar. "Eh, it's fine."

"Bloody hell, mate!" Ron exclaimed. "The hell happened to you?" He immediately turned to Harry, with a slight accusatory tone, "D'you do that?"

Harry automatically (and somewhat instinctively) threw his hands up in surrender. "What? No!"

"I did," Annabeth cut in. Harry, Ron, and Hermione whipped their heads around in surprise and confusion towards the daughter of Athena.

Percy winced slightly, as he sat up in the cot. "To be fair, I told her to."

Ron's face scrunched up in disgust. "What kinda weird kinky shi-" Before he could finish, Hermione the back of his head. "Ow," He muttered. 

"Your being rude," Hermione reprimanded. 

Percy waved it off, seemingly very chill about the unfinished comment. "Don't worry about it."

"Percy," Annabeth scolded.

Turning his head he met the eyes of an annoyed Annabeth. 

"What? Just last week we watched-"

Annabeth punched his arm, effectively shutting him up. While Ron's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, Annabeth rolled hers, before whispering into Percy's ear.

As she did, he remained silent.

"So... he didn't mean like weird fun stuff?"

Annabeth facepalmed. "You truly are a seaweed brain."

Percy's face held nothing but confusion. "I don't get it."

"It's a sex thing Percy."

Ron, Hermione, and Harry, thought Percy would have had more of a reaction than: "So not Kinky Boots?" 

Annabeth sighed, "No Percy, this has nothing to do with us watching Kinky Boots."

"Oh, okay then. In which case," He turned to Ron, "The hell goes on in your mind man?"

Ron and Hermione's faces flushed scarlet, as Harry stifled his laughter behind a series of fake coughs. 

Hermione cleared her throat. "Um, so we do actually have stuff that's sort of important..."

"Right!" Annabeth agreed, nearly jumping out of the cot. "C'mon, Perce. We got work to do."

Percy groaned, "This is the worst vacation ever."

Harry laughed, "Who said this was a vacation?"

Percy groaned even louder in response. 


Yes, this is very short. I felt bad not updating in a while so I figured y'all would rather have a short update, instead of no update at all. 

P.S. This is dedicated to y'alls dirty minds. Percy is a traumatized, sweet, bby. Do not corrupt him. 

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