Chapter 9: Half Mortal

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"Please tell me you see what's wrong here," Annabeth said. 

Percy tentatively nodded, causing her to let out a shaky breath.

"We're going to get through this... together."


Percy and Annabeth lied next to each other on his cot in silence, both of their minds running a mile a minute. 

Percy could feel Annabeth glancing over at him every so often. He saw the concern in her eyes. Normally, when anyone else looked at him like that- with pity- he hated it. But Annabeth- she was different. 

Percy didn't feel like he deserved her worry. After all, she's been through just as much- if not more- than he has. 

He admired his wife so much. Anyone else who'd gone through what she did, done the things she did, wouldn't be here. Wouldn't be okay. But here she was. Lying next to him, making sure he was okay. 

He felt nothing but awe towards her. 

"Are you okay?" Percy's voice broke the silence. When she didn't answer, Percy turned his neck to see her staring off into the distance, eyes deep in concentration. "Annabeth?"

She whipped her head towards him, almost as if she just now heard him. "Yeah?" 

"Are you okay," Percy repeated.

She nodded, before looking back towards the plain wall in front of them. Percy scanned her face to see if she was lying. Unfortunately for him, Annabeth was incredible at hiding the truth. 

With that in mind, he took a stab in the dark. "You're lying."

Annabeth's breath hitched. Unfortunately for her, Percy was incredibly persistent. Sighing, she turned to face Percy.

For a second, they both looked into each other's eyes. Neither demigod liked to show vulnerability, and even with each other, they struggled. However, after the very recent events, Annabeth let a small tear escape her eye. 

Percy looked into his wife's eyes and saw just how broken she truly was. Annabeth looked into her husband's eyes and saw how scared he really was. 

It almost felt as if they were looking at each other for the first time.

Without breaking eye contact, Annabeth whispered, "Maybe we're not meant to settle down, and have normal lives."

Percy closed his eyes, hiding the pain that would show in them. All Annabeth has ever talked about since they found out about Camp Jupiter, was going to college in New Rome, living together, being happy. Yet here she was, admitting the idea that it could never happen.

The one dream she had was now gone.

Opening his eyes back up, he saw Annabeth's tired, stressed face. He watched as she sat up and brought her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them. 

"Maybe," She said, "Maybe we're not meant to have survived this long."

Percy froze. Before he could respond she continued, "I mean, Chiron said the chances of demigods living to adulthood were low, and- and we're what, twenty now? And after all the shit we've been through? I mean," Annabeth shook her head, her eyes watering, "I don't-" Her voice caught. She cleared her throat, before taking a deep breath. "Maybe it wasn't being half- god that killed them," She whispered. "Maybe it was being half- mortal."

Annabeth glanced up at Percy, tears openly falling down her cheeks.

She wasn't sure what she expected to see, but it definitely wasn't the set look of determination on his face. 

He slowly shook his head. "No," He whispered, gently taking hold of her hand. Giving it a squeeze, he said, "It was because they didn't have an Annabeth Jackson- Chase by their side."

Annabeth gave a small smile, and against her wishes, a slight exhale of laughter with it. 

"Or maybe," She smiled, her tone slightly teasing, "It was because they didn't have a Percy Jackson- Chase by their side."

"That too." Percy sat up, grimacing slightly. He forgot about his wound. Ignoring it, he fully sat up. "Actually, now that you mention it, that's most definitely the reason. I take back what I said about an Annabeth. It's the Percy they need."

Annabeth arched an eyebrow. "Oh really? And where would that Percy be without an Annabeth?"

Percy took a moment, feigning a look of deep thought. "Not lying in a cot with a stab wound."

He laughed when Annabeth punched his arm. She wasn't mad, though. She was happy. And for the first time, in a long time, she felt that small bit of hope. 

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