Chapter 25: Ginny

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Believe it or not, I am in fact alive, and this story is still being continued (however slow the updates may be). 

Sorry for making y'all wait so long :(


Ginny Weasley had had enough. She was sick and tired of always being left out of the loop, and annoyed with Harry for letting it happen. 

The worst part? Her and Harry couldn't date during the school year because he was now a professor

So their relationship was now on hiatus because of some stupid school rules even though they were literally only a year apart, AND started dating prior to the school year. 

Not only that, but her classes were useless. Everything she already needed to know, she knew. She fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. She was a capable witch. Not to mention she studied with Hermione all summer long (in between of building back Hogwarts of course). 

With no boyfriend, no new material, and a gut feeling something was wrong, Ginny had nothing to lose from skipping out of classes.


"Harry!" Ginny called, to an incredibly distressed wizard. 

Her voice seemed to snap him out of whatever funk he was in though, as he looked at her with an emotion she couldn't quite place. "Hey Ginny." 

"What's going on?"


"Don't lie to me Harry. I know wrong vibes when I see them." 

Harry debated lying, but then remembered Ginny probably knew more ways to kill him than he did... and Molly Weasley was her mom. 

He sighed, knowing whether he liked it or not, Ginny was going to now get mixed up in whatever the hell mess that was happening. 


"So uh," Harry began, "Percy and Annabeth are back." Between all of her useless classes and mounting homework, Ginny didn't even notice they were back at Hogwarts. 

She gaped at Harry as he finished filling her in on what was happening. Percy saw dead people; Harry was having nightmares that somehow had to do with Percy (and Voldemort he thinks); Draco was being a bother; the Resurrection Stone was stolen...

"I think that's it?"

Ginny nearly lost her mind. "You think that's it? Honestly Harry... Ron! That toad! I've seen him a million times since being here, and not once has he mentioned any of this! I'm going to kill him."

"No no no wait, hold on. Don't tell anyone you know."

Ginny paused. "What?"

"Whatever's happening, everyone who's getting involved is starting to lose their minds, I swear to Merlin we're all going crazy. I can't let that happen to you to."

"I can take care of myself, Harry."

"Ginny. Please don't get involved."

She looked at his pleading face and sighed. "Fine. But you have to keep me in on everything. No more secrets. Got it?"

Harry nodded, grateful there was one person he cared about that he didn't have to worry for. "Got it."


Author's note: I may or may not go back and edit this since I'm writing it at like 4am. But I wanted to publish something. 

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