Chapter 12: Tomorrow's Problem

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Ah, we love 1 am writing sessions, instead of studying for finals. 


"Yeah, maybe," Annabeth said unconvinced. She gave a long, tired sigh. "I'm not gonna lie, Perce, I'm way to tired to deal with this right now."

Percy gave a small chuckle. "That makes two of us."

"Think we'll last till morning? Make this tomorrow's problem?"

He nodded. "Yeah."


First thing in the morning, Percy and Annabeth cancelled classes for the day. The students were needless to say, much more excited than they were about it. 

Second thing, Percy made sure to eat a large breakfast. Tower of pancakes, syrup, the whole nine yards. He knew from past experiences, that these things tend to move very fast; in which case, he wanted to make sure he had enough food to last him at least four days. 

Then last but not least, Annabeth and Percy rounded up the gang to meet in Hermione's office.


Percy stood silently as Annabeth explained everything that happened the previous night. 

"What the fu-" Ron began, before Hermione slapped the back of his head.


Ron held his hands up in defense. "What? One normal year. Is that too much to ask?"

Percy, Annabeth, and Harry replied, "Yes," in unison. The three shared looks; with Harry and Percy staring at each other, after Annabeth looked away. Percy scoffed, walking towards the other side of the room, as Ron shook his head in disappointment.

"Bloody hell," Ron muttered, going to sit down in one of the chairs adjacent Hermione's desk.

Hermione sighed, looking around at their small group. 

"Okay," Percy said, now walking back to everyone. "What if- and hear me out- what if we just, don't?"


"Don't what?" Draco spoke up, causing Harry to snap his head towards the wizard- he totally forgot he was even a part of the conversation, or in the room to be honest.

Percy gestured around him. "This! All this, this- this fighting. Fighting for a world that couldn't give two shits about us. My whole life-" He pointed towards Annabeth, "Our whole lives have been nothing but fighting for this godsdamn world. We've lost people, we've been killed, tortured, stabbed, gods you name it. And for what? For- for just another prophecy to roll around and try and wreck everything?" Percy shook his head. "No, you know what? I'm done. I'm out. I'm taking a siesta and not coming back."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Take a nice vacation, while we rot in the Underworld," Jason spoke, from the other side of the room.  

"Percy..." Annabeth started, when he abruptly cut her off.

"Go away!" Percy yelled to Jason behind her, catching everyone off guard. He gripped the sides of his head. 

Surprise quickly turned into concern as no one knew who he was yelling at. 

"Percy?" Annabeth said softly. She tentatively put her hand on his shoulder,  causing his eyes to widen in fright at her. "It's me, Perce. Who're you yelling at?"

Percy's brows furrowed in confusion, as he pointed behind the group towards Jason and Piper, leaning against the other wall. "Them." 

Annabeth turned around, seeing no one. "Percy... there's no one there."

Percy shook his head, not able to look away from them. 

"We're dead, and you get to live? How is that fair?" Piper asked.

Percy shook his head. "I tried!"

Jason shook his head, disappointed. "You didn't try hard enough. It should've been you."

"I wish it was!" Percy yelled at the wall.

The trio, Draco, and Annabeth became more concerned. 

"So why don't you just end it?" Jason asked, as Piper continued staring at him. "You're what she wants, Percy. Give yourself up, and it'll all be over."

"No, no, no..." Percy stared in horror, watching as his two dead friends started walking towards him. He backed up, until his heels hit the couch behind him, causing him to trip and fall backwards onto the couch.

"Percy, just let us guide you," Piper said, extending her hand towards him.

He continued staring, eyes wide, as they started smiling at him. Then, Jason's stomach started bleeding as if he was stabbed. The blood seeped and spread throughout his white shirt. Long, deep, scratches appeared on Piper's arms, and blood started dripping onto the floor. 

Percy blinked, and they were gone. 

He breathed heavily, staring at the spot where they stood.

"Percy?" Annabeth said, worry lacing her voice, as she stepped towards him. 

Percy heard her call his name, but couldn't bring himself to answer. His mouth wouldn't open, and his voice wouldn't work. He couldn't move. Soon, her words became muffled, reminding him of when he nearly drowned years ago. 

His vision became blurry and within seconds, all he could see was black. 


"Oh good, you made it," The woman spoke, without looking back. She kept her attention towards the window, looking out at the downpour outside. Lightning flashed, casting stark contrasts to the surroundings in the stone room. Seconds later, thunder boomed, shaking the room.

Percy looked around him, trying not to take his focus off of the woman in front of him. He looked down at his tattered jeans and t shirt, confused. Why wasn't he in his robes? 

He was standing barefoot; his feet cold against the stone floor. Above him, hung a chandelier, complete with half burnt candles and cobwebs. Metal knights stood around the room, on top of marble pedestals. 

"Who are you?" His voice echoed.

The woman turned around, her face shrouded by a dark veil. She waved her hand, and Percy flew back into a chair. 

He was sitting, unable to move. He shivered from the cold. 

"Please, Perseus," She droned, almost bored with the whole situation, "How many times must we go through with the formalities?" 

Percy stared in anger and confusion. He had no idea who was in front of him. He watched as she glided closer to him, her long dark dress flowing and shifting around her. 

"We've never met," He stated, knowing he would have remembered.

The woman nodded. "That is true. Though, I am well aware of who you are."

"Well great," Percy replied sarcastically. "Seems a little unfair that I'm left in the dark though."

She tilted her head. "Think of it... not so much as 'left in the dark', but more of, security."

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting real tired of cryptic messages from gods and goddesses. Why am I here? What do you want?" Percy said, his voice hardening. Lighting flashed again, casting shadows of two butterfly wings on the ground behind her. 

The woman chuckled, walking back towards the window. Thunder rumbled. "Perseus, I suggest you take some time to appreciate those above you. Because before you know it-" She snapped her fingers, causing Percy to fall out of the chair, clutching his chest in pain, "- Something within you, might... just... snap."


Percy awoke in the infirmary with a gasp. 

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