I look at her but she looked at my hip and slowly did the outline of something I didn't know she was gonna do. "What do you mean?" I murmur. "And what are you drawing?"

"I'm just doing a small smiley face," she answers and wipes it down with the damp cloth. "And, I mean," she starts. "Louis won't see this until you guys finally fuck,"

"What do you mean finally?" I ask confused.

She looks up at me and stops. "Wait...have you guys..?"

"Have we had sex? Yes," I nod and she stares at me, her pale eyes flick over mine, she just swallows and breathes. "What?" I ask when she starts again.

"Nothing," she murmurs. "Well, when did that happen?"

"Like...a week and a half ago?"

She freezes again., slowly looking up at me. "You mean, when I got taken from them both?"

"Them both?"

"Zayn and Louis, you guys did then?"

"Um..Yeah?" I answer, this was random.

She sighs. "Nice. Was it good?"

"Why are you asking?" I then ask softly.

"Just curious," she shrugs.

"I think he can go a lot harder if he wasn't so scared of hurting me," I tell the truth and she breathes through her nose. "But..yeah,"

"Does he use condoms with you?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer it," she huffs.

"Fine. No, he doesn't need to because—"

"He out you on birth control," she answers, unsurprised.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Yeah okay, you've fucked him. What else?" she asks.


"Have he gone down on you?"

"Um..yeah...?" I whisper.

"So you guys are close now?"

I laugh. "I wouldn't call us close, but..events have lead us up to be closer yeah,"

"Right. I bet you he hasn't told you about his ex though. He needs to trust that person a lot—"

"Anita?" I ask, watching her poke the needle into my

"How do you know that?" she freezes.

"Louis told me. Is they who you mean?"

She looks up at me. "Louis told you that?"

"Yeah?" I chuckle.

"It took him ages to tell me about her," she murmured. "How is that fair?"

"I'm sorry?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, you don't even know,"

I was lost. "Know what?"

"What happened between them? Or did he just tell you her name,"

"He was younger than her and she just expected a lot from him and he just couldn't because he was so young,"

Her face drops. "Louis' told you stuff he waited ages to tell me,"

"Yeah? So?"

"It's not fair,"

"Well I'm sorry but I don't control Louis,"

"I feel like you do,"

"How would I control the person that owns me?"

"It's not hard,"

"Well I'm not like you, Erin,"

"Clearly," she shakes her head.

"I don't understand," I shake my head.

"Keep it that way," she huffed and I got confused again. "Are you going to the party that's on tomorrow?" she asked me.

"No, are you?"

She hesitates. "No,"

I breathe. "Louis said it would be to dangerous for me to be there,"

"Yeah. That's what Zayn said to me as well," she nods. My hip was throbbing in pain and it stung like hell.

"Do you know why?"

She shakes her head. "Even if I did, I can't tell you unless Louis lets me,"

"Right.." I mumble. I sigh and she swallows and i hear it.

"Have you...sucked his dick yet though?"

"Why are you asking me all of these questions? Why does it concern you if I have?"

"Because it's a bitch move. You know I like Louis."

I widen my eyes. "Did you just say that was a butch move? Does it ever occur to you that I don't get to chose?"

"Louis lets you," she says, wiping my leg down and it looks like two X's. "You chose to do it,"

"I live with him," I say. "I kinda wanted to and it'd be awkward if I had said no,"

"Whatever, I'm gonna hook up with him hopefully soon," she says. "This is almost done by the way,"

"Okay," I whisper. She was right, it really didn't take long for it finish and when she did the final wipe of my skin, I saw a black cross-eyed smiley face and I furrow my brows at where I had seen this before.

"What is it?"

"Are you kidding me? It's Louis' tattoo," she points
to the side of her wrist. "Hell thank me later,"

"Hell also kill your later,"

"Do you care if we hook up?" she skips anything else ai had to say.

"No? Why would I?"

"I dunno, you guys seem...close," she shrugs.

"Oh, no it's fine," I shake my head. "Thank you," I look at the tattoo Louis apparently has.


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