54. Rumours.

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"Dude we still good for tomorrow night?" He asked me quietly, looking warily around the hall. I nodded and smiled at him.

"Sure dude, anything to help" I said with a smile. "I can pick up some pizza and stuff on our way round" I said and he nodded.

"Thanks man" He said with a small smile.

"Anytime dude" I replied.

Last week, Sam came into school, when I had to come in early for a school project that needed finishing. Football wasn't in for practice. Which was what confused me when I saw Sam in school way too early, he didn't say he was coming in early we could have hung out until school started. We'd long ago put all the drama behind us and Brooke no longer found it weird when we'd talk so Sam was kind of a friend now I guess.

He was just getting ready after a shower, which was weird considering again there was no football practice. I asked why he was in so early and he looked away from me avoiding eye contact. A tell all sign letting me know he didn't want to talk about it. I literally act the same.

I looked back at him confused, asked him if everything was alright, and he reluctantly told me about his situation at home. About his dad losing his job, about his house. I couldn't help but feel for the guy. It had to be tough. He told me about his brother and sister being stuck in a motel at the moment after school, that he doesn't have much time in the morning to get ready. So he comes here earlier than usual, to take a shower, not just a quick shower at the motel to let his family get ready also. Then his Mom and dad take Stacy and Steve to school, before setting out in search of work. Any work they find to make ends meet.

I couldn't believe what he was saying. That and that he told me that its been two weeks since it all happened. After a conversation saying he should have told me sooner. I wanted to help, in anyway possible. Sam being the kind of guy he is, pretty much only cares about his brother and sisters welfare over his own, so asked if I could bring Riley over since she's just a year younger than Stacy and two years younger than Stevie, to have a little fun together.

Brooke also knew about the situation obviously and would go round to help Sam out with looking after his siblings. And she's been spending time with Stacy, doing 'girly' things. As Sam put it.

It takes all their minds off the fact that their currently in a motel. And as fun as the kids think it is, its gotta be tough on them. All being crammed into one room. Which then leads us to now. Tomorrow night, I'm heading round to the motel on my own this time, since Riley has a swimming lesson. She was gutted, She's formed a pretty good friendship with Stacy.

In other news, (pun intended... wait for it) A new craze that seemed to be sweeping the halls today was the school newspaper. The Muckraker. The thing you go to for all the high school gossip. People were reading them in the hall and giving me some weird stares as Sam and I walked to the choir room for the morning practice.

I tried to not get involved in all that gossip and drama. And I'd managed just fine up until now apparently.

We got into the choir room, as always waiting for Mr Schue. I rounded the corner and the club looked up at the doorway noticing me and Sam walking in. All looking away like we were the last thing they wanted to see.

Not long after we heard a commotion behind us and in stormed my girlfriend with a raised voice.

"Care to explain this to me?" She demanded at me and I raised an eyebrow at her. She continued on

"What singer songwriter football player is having secret moonlight motel rendezvous with his ex- Singer Songwriter- girlfriend?!" She said loudly and shoved the newspaper into my chest. I raised a hand and caught it catching her fingers as I went. Her hand moving at the speed of light away from me as if I'd burned her.

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