38. Comeback.

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I feel numb.

Literally numb.

I feel like the worst person in the world. And I didn't even do anything. I know that's hard to believe. I'm fully aware of my past track record.

I know what it looks like.

But it's not what it looks like.

Taking a couple days off school was actually a nice break where I didn't have to deal with all the drama that happened last week. I didn't have to see anybody. I could just lay in my bed... in my room, crying mainly and hating myself over how this all went down. Hating myself for letting it happen.

I tried so many times to get Ryan to talk to me again. Calling him constantly whenever I could. I didn't want him thinking I cheated on him.

Because I didn't.

Walking the halls of McKinley was awful. Not only did I no longer have the cheerios to fall back on. I then had to contend with the looks from the Glee Club when they noticed I was back. Sure I'd only missed two days, but I guess they were dreading my return as much as I was.

The glares being sent my way told me as much.

As well as the looks of disappointment.

It was awful.

I ignored them as much as I could for as long as I could. And then he showed his face.

"So I was thinking we could go to Colour Me Mine" He said as he... the only way I could describe it was... slithered over to me at my locker. I turned and sent the most powerful glare that I could muster his way.

"Are you serious?" I asked and if looks could kill.

"I just thought you like... you know creative things... so..." He continued like he'd thought of the answer to world peace.

"On what planet do you live on?" I spat at him "You seriously think after what you pulled on Friday, that I'd go anywhere with you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow his way.

"I just thought that since the club now know that we..." He tried again.

No I wasn't having this.

"Well you thought wrong" I said slamming my locker and storming off down the hall. Away from the babbling buffoon that is Finn Hudson.

Who did he think he was.


I managed to ignore all the looks all the way up until Glee inevitably came around. Where I would no longer be able to escape them. I rounded the corner and noticed Ryan for the first time all day.

He was currently talking to Sam in hushed tones on the back riser of the choir room. He hadn't seen me yet, and part of me dreaded the moment that he did.

But I guess I didn't have a choice in that matter, because not even ten seconds later, as if he literally sensed me in the room he turned and his eyes locked with mine. His gaze not able to hold mine very long at all as he broke away and looked towards the chairs with a down cast frown.

I noticed him take a seat on one that meant I couldn't sit anywhere near him. There wasn't an open seat anywhere around him.

I schooled my features, begging them silently not to give away any emotions. And do not cry. Not here, not in this room. Not with these people. People who seem to not be able to stand you right now. Yet again.

We took a seat on the risers and late as always Mr Schue walked in followed by Coach Sylvester....

I'm sorry...

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