46. Sexy.

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"What's going on with you and Quinn?"

I closed my locker and turned to the voice that had just graced me with their presence.

"Hello Rachel, how are you?" I said sarcastically back. She rolled her eyes at me as I turned and walked down the hall, her matching my pace all the way.

"I have exhausted all my means to find out from Quinn whether she is in fact engaging in your on again off again relationship as of late, or... as I fear, still romantically linked with Finn." She rambled on "and I have gathered nothing from her. But after the display of... affection" She coughed "...in the choir room earlier this week I deduct that there might still be something between the two of you, which I also fear goes beyond what we like to teach in the celibacy club." She said all in one breath as usual.

"Are you finished?" I asked with a raised eyebrow her way. For her to look shyly away from me. There was a pause, silence falling between us.

"Well are you going to tell me?" She asked expectantly.

"Nope" I said walking into the classroom that I unfortunately shared with Rachel and Quinn so couldn't escape the next bout of questions surely heading my way also.

"I just want to know if I still stand a chance with Finn. Or if miss beauty queen is in my way yet again" she said looking down disappointedly. I watched as the girl all but sulked in front of me.

I sighed.

"Rachel" I said patiently "look I get it okay, seeing the person you like.... Love" I corrected before she could "... with someone else it sucks. But.... So does people sticking their nose into things that don't concern them." I said softly. Not wanting to hurt the girls feelings even more than they were already. "What's happening or not happening between Quinn and I, is exactly that... between Quinn and I." I said looking pointedly at her, she looked up at me with a slight pout.

"Hey, you" I heard to my right and turned to the smiling face of Quinn herself. Rachel looked away self consciously, almost like she was scared of what Quinn would do if she was caught talking to me.

Come to think of it, I dread to think the same, especially with those two right now. But Quinn just kept smiling at me, almost not even acknowledging Rachel's presence.

"We still on for later?" She asked fiddling with the bottom of my T-shirt like she normally does.

It was highly distracting to say the least. And I was well aware of Rachel watching our every move.

"You can count on it" I said back and she bit her lip as she past me by, running her hand along my abs in the process before taking a seat at the desk she was assigned at the start of the year, still next to Finn unfortunately for me. Who might I add still hadn't shown up yet.

I followed as she walked on, watching as she happily smiled at some of the students as she passed them.

Feeling eyes on me I turned and found the accusatory glance of Rachel, who did I say I happened to sit next to in this class. I rolled my eyes as I walked passed her and took a seat at the desk we've sat at since the beginning of the year. Knowing she probably wasn't going to let this rest anytime soon.

But she said nothing,

And class started. The teacher informing us that Holly Holiday was taking over the class. Apparently this sex Ed class thing in glee had somehow rolled into normal school schedules and Miss Holiday was now making the rounds to teach the subject of the moment around the school.

And throughout this awful "sex is like hugging but better' talk Rachel still just sat there. Putting me on completely on edge.

Holding what ever she wanted to say in. Which in Rachel talk. Is never a good thing.

Forever And A Day || Season 2 || Quinn Fabray StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant