37. Numb.

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I'm numb.

Literally numb.

I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to see anyone. And I sure as hell don't want to go to breadsticks with all the loved up couples. Apparently the Warblers and Kurt are going to be there for the night, and everyone is going to show their support and celebrate Valentine's Day.

Like fuck I want that right now.

My phone hasn't stopped ringing and notifying me of text messages that I'm determined to leave unread. Quinn's ringtone being the more prominent one of the bunch, ringing every few minutes now. Which is an improvement from every thirty seconds when I first got home.

Mom and Riley took one look at my face, and knew not to bother me as I stormed down here to my basement and haven't resurfaced since.

"Is that her again?" Dani asked me through my laptop screen. I was currently just staring at the photo that was flashing on the screen of Quinn and myself. Her caller ID photo that she'd set for me one day playing on my phone.

"What do you think, Dan?" I snapped without really meaning to. Tearing my eyes away from the flashing phone screen.

"Hey, don't take this out on me, asshole" She warned me back. Dani has never been one for taking any of my shit. "I know this fucking sucks, okay..." She tried to calm me down. There was a pause for a moment. "And you called me... so be grateful I picked up. 'Cause it's been radio silence from you lately. And then boom... this" She said and I knew she was right.

"I'm sorry" I bit my tongue and admitted it. "I just don't know what do." I said as my phone stopped ringing and went silent again.

"Well hiding from her, and ignoring it isn't gonna make it go away, dude" She replied. "You're gonna have to face it at some point." She said.

"Probably not for a couple days" I said , as she looked back at me with a confused expression.
"Her and Finn have mono, remember." I laughed bitterly, reminding her of the conversation we'd had for the last twenty minutes. I'd filled her in on what had happened over the last few weeks.

Why I'd been radio silent on her.

"Fuck, dude...." she shook her head in disbelief. "I just can't..." She said thinking for a moment. I watched on as she tried to find the right words. "I just can't believe that she'd do this" She said.

"You and me both" I replied grouchily.

"Like, you guys... were perfect for each other. And yeah you might have broken it off, but she knew it was a just a break right... like you were gonna get back together" She said, looking more invested in this than I felt right now.

I felt like I had no emotions.

"Well I thought she did." I shrugged. "I just... we were arguing constantly. Every time I did something she didn't like... or over the fact we never saw each other 'cause all she cared about was cheerios for a solid three weeks. And then was constantly on my back about spending time wit Rachel...

"You're spending time with Rachel?" She asked incredulously.

I stopped and looked back at the screen. She was raising an eyebrow at me expectantly.

"Not you too" I said "Don't look at me like that."

"I'm just saying... Okay since you two started dating, Quinn and I have talked. We've spoken, I got to know her a little, and from the things you've said about the shit that went down last year..." She paused "I can imagine she wasn't a fan of that. She's protective..." She shrugged.

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