27. The Time Of My Life.

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We were all standing by for the performance backstage after the most chaotic and awkward Green room meeting of all time. We were taking a leaf out of Sectionals last year and decided to enter through the back of the auditorium, so I was currently waiting... or more like trying to stay calm and not panic, at the back by the entrance doors.

It was a big deal, I now had a solo.

With Ryan.

Singing a song that made memories flood into my brain.

A song that instantly made me think of the boy stood a few feet from me right now.

"Break a leg" I heard from behind me. I turned and saw that it was Ryan. I smiled as he walked over to me. That damn Ryan Hastings smile plastered all over his cute face.

"I'm so nervous" I said looking toward the curtain where the audience were currently applauding the previous show choir.

That meant it wasn't long now.

"Don't be" He said simply. I looked up at him in confusion. He just smiled "We'll be amazing" I looked away shyly "You are so amazing" He said quietly. I smiled at him. "Seriously you'll kill it, even if we're totally not prepared for this, and have had zero practice time singing this together..." He said looking like he was freaking himself out in the process.

"Really not helping Ry" I said with a smirk up at him. He laughed and took hold of my hands in front of us. I didn't fail to notice how his thumb ran over the ring on my finger. Before he brought my hand up to kiss the metal band.

He then dropped them down again and moved forward to placed a light kiss to my temple, an action that was becoming kind of our thing, apparently. I hugged him around his waist, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"Songs kind of fitting right? Kinda brings back some memories" He said and I smiled up at him in slight shock.

"You remember that night?" I asked into the air between us.

"Like I'd forget" He replied as I continued to smile up at him.

"I nearly kissed you that night" I said with a smirk, which he returned. He laughed.
"Kind of glad I didn't though..." I carried on, almost seeing the night play out before my eyes in my imagination. The night that this song will always make me think of.

"Have to say the treehouse definitely beat your family room couch as a place for our first kiss." I said and he laughed even more at me.

"Second... if you count the awkwardness of our thirteen year old selves" he chuckled.

"I definitely count it as the first" I smiled and then we saw the lights dip, meaning that was our queue to take out places. Effectively breaking out bubble.

I don't think the glee club would appreciate us sneaking off to make out instead of killing this duet out there. Not matter how much they say the love 'Fabrastings'.

"Here we go" He smiled and let me go. I smiled and watched as he walked back to his place. He turned half way back to face me.

"You look gorgeous by the way." He smiled and winked and before we knew it, the music was playing and Ryan, took his first step out of the entrance into the auditorium.

Here we go indeed.

I thought smiling to myself as I heard his voice fill the room. It never failed to bring me goosebumps, hearing his voice through the large speakers.

Now I've had the time of my life
No I've never felt like this before
Yes I swear its the truth
And I owe it all to you.

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