07. The Party Aftermath.

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The next morning, I went out for a run. I needed the space from everyone after last night. I'd left Quinn asleep in my bed this morning. I felt like she needed the rest with everything that happened last night and then I still knew she was bothered about deciding whether or not to take her mom up on her offer of moving back home. She tries to disguise it or change the subject when I bring it up. But I know it's bothering her. I've just kind of leant to not bring it up before she does now.

I did about a three Kilometre run and came to a stop at the Lima Bean, where I'd parked my car, beforehand. I didn't drink too much last night. Mom and Dad trusted me with the house and I was way to stressed with the Glee Club round that I wanted to be the best part of sober to keep control of the night. I just don't need to drink to have fun, you know.

I ordered some pastries to take out to feed everybody who stayed last night, and a selection of coffees. I didn't know everybody's order so just got whatever there was. And a hot chocolate for me. I don't like coffee. Or tea for that matter. Never have been a fan of the stuff. I then waited in the queue, playing a game on my phone to pass the time. I had one earphone in from my run, that was still blasting out music, and was waiting for my order to be called. It took a while, but then with the amount I ordered, it made sense it would take some time. So I waited it out.

"You're Ryan Hastings, right?" I heard from just in front of me. I looked up and saw a brunette girl looking back at me. I smiled back at her. She looked vaguely familiar. But I didn't have a name to go with the face.

"Yeah, thats me" I said tentatively.

"Gabriella Avery" She introduced herself with a smile "I'm a Freshman at McKinley, well technically now a sophomore..." she said, ahh that made sense why she looked familiar.

"Ahh, right" I said with a smile back "Nice to meet you" I said not really knowing what to say after that. Why was she talking to me?

"I saw you from over there..." She said gesturing to the seating area of the cafe. "And I just wanted to say hi" she said smiling "and that I've seen you on the field, when I have cheerios practice and at games," Ahh she's a cheerio. So she must know Quinn then. Was all I thought. "You're really talented, I can't wait to see you in a game again this year" she finished all at once. "If you're still wanting to be on the team that is..." She rambled on.

"Um, thank you" I said with a polite smile."Yeah I'll probably still be on it... I mean I like football so..." I said awkwardly. I mean this was awkward. I just run a five K and I was stood here covered in sweat.

"No problem, just telling you the truth" She said with a flirty smile at me. Okay so this is where this is going. I don't have to be a genius to be able to tell that.

"Order for Ryan" Was called and I took that as my cue to go. My way out of this situation.

"Um, that's me" I said "It was nice talking to you" I said politely and excused myself to collect the shit ton of things I'd gotten.

"Yeah maybe we'll do it again sometime" she said back still a little flirty again, before walking back off to a group of baby cheerios I only just recognised in the corner, all smiling a giggling over at us. I walked off to the counter. Picked up the bag and drinks and walked out of Lima Bean.

I mean I know I could have told them I'm taken. I mean my girlfriend would probably rip them a new one if she found out she'd flirted with me. But I mean we've only just told our friends. We haven't exactly talked about telling the rest of the student body.


I got back to the house to everyone gathered around the kitchen. Well everyone but Quinn. That girl loves her sleep. I smiled at the thought as I walked through the door.

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