18. Grilled Cheesus.

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"Ryan!" I heard Burt shout from across the shop on the Monday morning I'd agree to work early before school. I'd been here since six in the morning, some guy needed a rush job on his car and Burt was getting stressed about it so I agreed to help the guy out.

"Do you think you can finish this one up here and then you can get out of here the day, I know you have school" He said and I smiled.

"For sure!" I said "Yeah it will probably take another..." I looked at my phone for the time it was now eight. I need to be in school but eight forty five today at the very latest. Thank goodness there's no Football Practice. "...Twenty minutes or so?" I asked unsurely.

"Anyone would think you like it here, cutting it that fine." He said back sarcastically. I laughed and then was interrupted but a voice I certainly recognised.

"I get that impression from him all the time, with the amount of time he spends here" Quinn said with a smirk on her face as she wondered in. I smiled lifting my head from its place under the hood of a car.

"You're man's just a hard worker Quinn" Burt smiled at her, she smiled back and smirked at me. "You should keep him around."

She walked over to me with a smile.

"Ehhh... should I?" She teased me. I pouted at her before she went easy on me and smiled that gorgeous smile at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey you!" She said coming over to me for a quick peck. Never one to get too close to me when I'm in "greasemonkey mode" as she likes to call it.

"Since we've established I'm worth keeping around..." I laughed "...What are you doing here, thought you had practice?" I asked her

"I did, and it finished early... one of the baby cheerios took a pretty nasty fall and Sue was inane of her moods so called it off, so here I am" She smiled. Avoiding all the dirty things around her trying to protect her uniform.

We turned as we heard Kurt walk through the garage door.

"Hey, Dad" Kurt said walking in with a bag.

"Hey, there's my boy" Burt greeted back.

"You forgot you're breakfast" Kurt said to him. "Suzanne Somers says that skipping breakfast is suicide." Kurt said dead seriously.

Burt took the brown bag and peeked inside.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Its an egg white wrap, on sprouted wheat tortilla, half a grapefruit, and a green drink" Kurt said leaning back on the back desk.

"Where's my usual breakfast?" He asked looking slightly upset.

"A coke and two slim Jims?" Kurt asked unimpressed.

"Yeah, breakfast of champions." Burt replied.

"Dad, you're not a kid anymore." Kurt replied. "You have to start taking care of yourself."

"Well, I guess with enough hot sauce, this will be alright, thanks." Burt said putting it on the side.

"Hey, dont forget, Friday night dinner is six instead of seven this week." He said to Kurt. "Carole and Finn are coming over, and she has to work the night shift" Burt said. "Hey come to think of it, I think you're coming over too with your family" He said turning to me.

"We are?" I asked, while Quinn eyed me funny, before trying to clear a bit of grease from my cheek as she perched on a high stool next to my work bench.

"I can't do this Friday" Kurt then announced.

"Was it something I said?" I asked jokingly and Quinn shook her head at me, telling me to shut up.

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