Saved By A Beautiful Girl

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The city of Royal Woods Michigan, so nice, so peaceful, so beautiful, and so serene most of times. It might not be as great and famous as other cities like Paris, Dakar, or Los Angeles, but it is still a nice kind of city.

While it can be peaceful, it has had some episodes, mostly for this very family that lives here.

Yes, the Loud Family. This family has many sorts of amazing, fun, yet wacky adventures and antics to cause. And thag is why it is not really easy (even though he has caused some mayhem of his own at times). "Watch out, Lynn!" said Lincoln. He was a boy with white hair, which looked rather unusual for many kids, but on the other hand, Edgar Winter is an albino human being. He was the only male child in the family and possibly the only sane sibling in it.

"Sorry Lincoln!" said Lynn. "I'm just working on my football skills. Can't wait for my big game! Whoo!"

she rushed towards Lincoln and tackled him to the ground, making him grunt.

"Touchdown! Yeah!" her slightly elder sister cheered before getting up. "You know, it's not easy being a fullback."

"You make it look easy, though." Lincoln pointed as he got back up.

"Yeah, I am pretty awesome." the sports sister boasted boldly. "Can there be anyone as awesome and cool as me?"

"No idea."

"Darn right!" then Lynn ran to her room, cheering for herself.

Lincoln looked at his adoring fans and began referencing: "Oh hi, you might know me, but I'm Lincoln Loud. Yeah, it's not easy being the only brother in this wacky family."

"Lana!" shrieked a little girl's voice. It was Lola, the bratty and spoiled girly-girl of the Loud Family. "Give that back or I'm telling mom!"

Then came Lana, the tomboy twin sister of the bratty present queen. "But I need it to repair vanzilla! Go get another screwdriver, Princess Pinchy!"

"I need that to fix my Princess ride!"

"There are other tools, Lola!" said Lana. "Cool your jets!"

"See what I mean?" Lincoln continued meta-referencing. "It can be literal Hell sometimes, but I can always count on my siblings, even if we don't always get along. There's no such thing as a perfect family as life goes."

He went downstairs to see what's on TV and turned it on to reveal the Dream Boat, one of his and his familys' favorite shows of all time. "Hey Linc!" said a cheerful, slightly raspy voice. "How you doing today?" It was Luna, one of Lincolns' closest sisters and the rocker of the family.

"I'm doing ok, Luna."

"Cool. So I'm gonna go down to Flip's place to get me a Flipee. You want one, dude?"

Lincoln smiled. "Yeah. that sounds good."

"Awesome. I'll get one for you then." Luna smiled. "I'll see you in a little while." she walked out the front door and hopped in Vanzilla where the father would be driving her in.

Flip was rather a cheapass sleazebag who would probably sell his own mother for a banana. Alas, he was (somewhat) good terms with the Loud Family, and he is always happy to take their money for every purchase he can get from them.

"Lincoln?" said Leni, the second eldest sister (and the most... naive sibling of the family). She came downstairs with two skirts in her hands. "Which skirts should I use in my newest fashion line: Rainbow or turquoise?"

"Why come to me, Leni?" asked Lincoln. "I mean, Lola and Lori are more into fashion."

"Yeah but Lori's talking to Bobby again and Lola's trying to kill Lana... again." Leni replied. "so which one should I use?"

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